Or the australian 60 minutes piece where they aussie pilots says people will be impressed once it out there over what they have heard in the news.
Or the australian 60 minutes piece where they aussie pilots says people will be impressed once it out there over what they have heard in the news.
Since I am just a lowly grunt with a radio I won’t brag about it heh. Anw good points. I have not read much about the MEU/MEB, or marine formations around the world. I am still stuck in the ol’ arty/rocket fire beach storming era XD
That was the best line in the movie, it was delivered so well. I always chuckle at that scene.
Yeah, it’s not like the Eisenhower administration was behind the doctrine of Massive Retaliation or anything.
It can't launch amphibious craft but it can launch helicopters and Ospreys full of Marines. A fleet carry doesn't have that kind of airlift and doesn't have that many Marines to load on those choppers.
And the point is bullshit.
That statement is one giant non sequitur. What does the WWII generation and greed have to do with any of this? The first two ships of the class are being built without a well deck, and then the rest will have it. I don’t see how ‘greed’ factors into any of this, or what the ‘WWII generation’ would have done…
Clearly you’ve been bought and paid for by the insidious forces of the military industrial complex. Ike warned us about people like you.
Because for one thing, the military has nowhere near the influence that people like to dream up. And for another thing, a brand new ship of a brand new class having some initial operating issues is not indicative of some larger existential corruption in the so-called ‘military industrial complex’, no matter how hard…
Yep that’s what the cool kids call it... It is so much easier to hate unknowingly if you use that silly name... Lockheed reminds people of excellence in engineering and innovation all through the Cold War...
Who knows the first two hopefully can carry more f35 and Ospreys then the others and be more command then the next series. Here’s the trouble they need the ships now. And couldn’t wait for the f35 to finish trials and replace a deck it’s at least the build a new nuke carrier with out an operational Catupult system. Oh…
And it still can’t dogfight an F-16!!!!! Goddammit LockMart!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Standby for F-35 hate....Ready...Go!
It’s unbelievable that the first ship in a two ship Class of major warships is not exactly perfect as it leaves the dock.
No point to this other than to point backwards to an older blog post and say “HEY LOOK WHAT I WROTE” and take another pot shot... nothing useful or constructive at all... nothing about a capability gap, a training gap, and numerous hiring deficiencies... they took a gamble, but couldn’t afford not to, there’s such…
Marines LOVE it when attacked directly. We greatly prefer that to the enemy sneaking around in civvies waiting to take a few cheap pot-shots. Our typical engegement range is over 300 meters with small-arms. I highly doubt isis has any riflemen capable of fighting at range against a Marine. I do at least give them…
They’ll keep the column, but Hulk Hogan will replace Tyler with Sergeant Slaughter.