And half Chinese. Handsome leading Asian man before Henry Golding.
And half Chinese. Handsome leading Asian man before Henry Golding.
Wild Stallyns!!! Bill and Ted 3!!!
Him and Dwight Yoakums cover of Streets of Bakersfield is classic.
You don’t know me but you don’t like me...
Is it weird that when I put that into google translate I didn’t have the spacing right at first. But when I finally got the words right the text got huge and bold?
I think it is Kinser. And yes FSSG is old school. They’ve been called 3rd MLG for quite a few years. ;)
I used to have 61 and 63 Falcon sedans in SoCal and the parts stores often used Argentinian parts. Argentinians used to honk and comment because seeing my car reminded them of home.
They don’t seem to do well when touched by an MTVR or HWWMV. But then again no other regular cars would either.
Funny you mention typhoon. There’s a YouTube of a k car being blown tumbling across the parking lot in Okinawa.
Where’s the battleships he promised? If he starts a war we can only hope St Mattis will save us.
She’s what is known in the military as a dependapotamus. Known to inhabit military housing. Lives in the welfare state that is today’s military but raves against anyone else getting those kinds of benefits. Grows larger from cheap commissary food and couch surfing. Often a “consultant “ for multi level marketing…
My Dad visited some cousins who ran a very popular Chinese restaurant in Raleigh NC during WW2. There was a long line of officers waiting but the Chinese folks came from the back and let him the poor ABC PFC draftee in! Which goes to the other interesting tidbit. Back then the Chinese restaurants had all white front…
Over the line Smokey. This is not Nam this is bowling there are rules!
I like how St Mattis pretty much does what he wants. Trump tweets banned. Mattis says yeah well we’ll study it for awhile. Get back to you. Never fully implemented.
15 is my limit on schnitzengruben
I actually goaded a Trump supporter on Fox News so much advocating for Mattis that he finally called him a progressive clown for defying Trump’s transgender ban. LOL
Brawndo has what plants need. Electrolytes
Mike Sparks thought they were the greatest weapon ever. Google that guy. It’s worth a laugh
The cop who shot the meth head was a Marine tanker from Desert Storm. That’s how he how to open the hatch. He took a report from me when my car got broken into.