
I thought you weren’t allowed to write about Hulk.

He actually should have Hoganed the fuck out of being Ted Cruz or Donald Trump’s running mate—he could have raised much more money that way.

So this headline is definitely trolling and I approve.

Hulk, you say?

Idk, last I heard Hulk was pretty freaking happy...

What makes a paratrooper is not falling out of an aircraft attached to a static line. What makes paratroopers different is that when we go, we are fully committed. There is no getting home the way you got there. While being surrounded makes lesser infantry break, paratroopers voluntarily agree to start off surrounded

real men only need LLBean and Uggs for Arctic ground operations

Jalopnik is about the only thing I’ll miss when Gawker goes the way of the Kursk submarine.

Just gonna casually leave this here. I’m gonna miss you Tyler.

The Sarge!

If Commissioner Hulkster were to make any changes to FA, it’ll be this.

When Daulerio said ‘anyone over four years old is fair game’, it probably cinched it with quite a few of the jurors.

Agree. Couldn't care less about Gawker and given the content change over time on Jalopnik I am caring less and less about it. But FA is always solid and balanced.

With all of the crap that makes it onto the main Gawker pager, I’m not surprised in the slightest.


I have no dogs in this fight whatsoever but that’s pretty damn funny.