
The only way I’ll eat oatmeal is with soy sauce. Delicious!

Congee is superior to any form of oatmeal with regards to savory soup-like breakfast fare.

I’ve cooked oats in chicken broth. It’s delicious and very comforting on a cold morning.

There’s an Osprey near where I live that’s always flipping; a real jerk. Def overcompensating. Has a srs attitude problem

Actually, its being used almost everywhere.

It is literally the most in-demand rotorcraft in the USMC inventory.

Exactly how much do you think a CH-53K is costing, btw?

USMC and Navy helicopters based of of San Diego have been fighting wildfires for years. It qualifies as external load operations, which for medium and heavy lift helicopter crews they must stay current every 90 days. The aircraft are going to fly anyways, California gets extra firefighting assets, chopper crews get

Eucalyptus are an introduced flora species to the US. Removing/replacing with a local/indigenous version should be a good thing.

Why not use it? Doesn’t do anybody any good sitting in the hangar. Pilots gotta get their hours. Might as well do something productive with it.

To be fair, no normal helicopter is able to deliver the loads a V-22 delivers across the distances it can travel at the same speed.

Clickbait has peaked with that dumb headline.

Assumption operating on outdated data. Even the UH-1 had a shaky start. People often forget what new machinery based on new technology entails when commenting on failures.

It gives us a huge number of doors to walk through. Combine it with LCACs, which give superior over the horizon and improved beach and surf condition capabilities, and the beyond beach raiding/landing capabilities, and there isn’t much coast line the Marines can’t choose to cross, or much coast line an adversary can

The AAV brings a tremendous capability, but operating them is one of scariest and most dangerous things we do at sea. The video is great, but it’s amazing watching them launch in person. You really are tossing a 30 ton brick off the back of a ship, and every time you stop breathing for a moment until it pops back up

Now playing

I’ll have to watch this. In the interim: Biting Elbows.

Wow, wish my Dad was still alive, 1st Marines, spring 1951, that’s how he came ashore. He would have loved to have seen this! Miss you Pop...FMF!!!

Back in the days when aviation, in particular military aviation was all men, they found that a woman’s voice stood out more than a man’s voice. Men would not hear the male voices in the heat of battle. So that’s why it was mostly women’s voices for a while.

Nice to see a face to the voice. I think we had a different voice in the legacy Hornet.

William, I was there. I was there between 2001 to early 2003 before being redeployed for OIF until 2007 when my unit rotated back to OEF.

Instead we could and should have procured and deployed hundreds of these cost effective light attack and surveillance aircraft and trained Iraqis and the Afghans how to use them in the process.

so long, so long, so long and thanks for the fish