nasty aloe-vera

This assumes that there’s no other reason someone might not want a baby. Abortion will never disappear entirely.

Somebody stupid to do that on the Mall during a high-security event. Hello, SWAT team.

Oh, and the translation feature. In print books, if they had a few lines in another language — looking at you, Junot Diaz, you bilingual beauty — I’d just have to be like “Well, I’ll never know what that was about...” but all I have to do is click on it and the reader tells me what it means.

They at least talk with those who disagree with them and will usually listen if the evidence is presented before them.

Interesting that he chose the word “viable” there, since it’s often lack of viability that’s the issue in a late-term abortion.

Just physically blockade them in with our bodies and collective sadness?

defending We The People against taxation without representation. If he was brown or whatever?

I never wore makeup but I’ve been experimenting with it lately. Always garish — blue lipstick, glitter eyes, stuff that is not “pretty” but like a poisonous snake that warns you away with bright colors. Screw them and their entitlement to how I should look.

In addition, while there are specific program for those issues, State, and particularly, USAID are supposed to be integrating gender into ALL of their programs, so this is going to be more complicated than he anticipates if he thinks he can curtail international gender programming in one fell swoop.

Well, it would make him a “very famous doctor,” that’s for sure.

Not true. You only need one citizen parent.

... who lives with his mom. That was him in Silver Spring, right?

He’s already getting one of those. It’s called the inauguration.

Or, if it is being forced on them, trapped inside their homes and isolated from society.

Oh god, I almost forgot about Popeye’s organization.

I’m not old! Screw this; I wanna live!

Love that she assumes the filmer is married and to a man. Girl, you’re the only one screaming in here. GET OUT.

The Frog Prince with Robin Williams as the frog. I still remember watching the dubbed tapes at my grandma’s house.

Funny, that’s exactly what would happen when you drain a swamp, now that I think of it. Bring all those slimy creatures right into the light and really see them.

Oh, I didn’t realize they were conducting a scientific study. In that case, I’d like to know which professor is supervising, who is on their ethics committee and see a copy of the informed consent forms [I know, that second word there is real tough] signed by the women involved. Or is that not how they teach proper