It's not censoring. The original work still exists. But we don't have to replicate it the same way when values have changed.
It's not censoring. The original work still exists. But we don't have to replicate it the same way when values have changed.
Right. If the idea of women being unsuited for professional cooking weren't so rampant, it wouldn't be a big deal. Bit it is common, so using it here is just not funny.
I don't remember, but they've been splitting by sex for a while. It mostly gives the men opportunities to make really nasty comments when they lose... to GIRLS! and have to do shit like decorating the restaurant or washing the linens... you know, GIRL work.
Hell's Kitchen is the worst for this. It's like they look for the biggest raging misogynists to put in the show. The first 3/4 of the season is obnoxious to watch. There are ways to encourage the teams trash talking and getting into the competition while making the blatant misogyny unacceptable.
Right?! Sansa was in love with Joffrey too. After she, too, had been "sold" to him without any real input on her part and with a huge helping of "this is your duty to your family." Are we suddenly going to give credibility to that relationship? I didn't think so.
Woah no! Context, sorry, the books aren't set in 2014, they're set in a time and place where that kind of behavior is normalized. I see how that came across.
It sounded like she had told him they were taking it backstage and then was like, Psych! You're on stage at the Academy Awards now.
Oh no? This happens all the time. They might get them back, but the monkey was not returned because she can't legally have it. Leaving children (and animals) in the car is very dangerous and taken seriously as a possible sign of neglect.
Props to the woman who asked if the presidents he didn't like were bad because they were men or because of, I don't know, their individual personal characteristics. Of course, the implication that women are people flew right over his head, but still.
Norcal? They're likely to have had more access to organics and crystals than most.
I assumed she meant gymnastics.
My thoughts exactly. Missing the mark on the likeness.
My friend moved out there a few years ago from CA. She saw a dentist there who looked in her mouth and said "You're not from around here, are you?" No, because she was used to flouride in her water and had way better teeth than he was used to seeing. Come on guys, it won't damage your precious bodily fluids!
You misread the question. It wasn't about what the giraffe eats. It was why feeding the giraffe to a lion is worse than feeding a cow to a lion. IMO, it's not different. I feel like it's better than just throwing it away or something.
How do you know they're dissolving and not just washing down the drain?
polyethylene. Here's an article that lists some offenders:…
I buy the Clean and Clear facial scrub:
The article links to an app that can tell you what products contain it, if you use an iphone.
Yes. I learned about those when I was taking a class on the environment and hadn't realized they were fucking plastic! Went home and read the bottle and never used that shit again. I had thought they dissolved too, but nope.