nasty aloe-vera

Yeah, I've had them since I was a kid. During my teen years, my aunt helpfully referred to my "man feet." Still have them, and it's hard enough to find comfy shoes that don't make them obvious. Haven't caused enough pain for me to see the surgery as a good trade-off.

That will only convince them that rape in America is NBD. We weren't raped at gunpoint while watching our children slaughtered; what are we complaining about?

Yes. The problem isn't buildings. It's a shortage of trained teachers and materials. But building schools is visible and easy, and supporting teacher training isn't.

It's only going to be weird if having a bio father is important to them. All I'm saying is, it might not be. I don't know why you're so offended by this.

They don't have a father. I'm coming at it more from this angle:

I don't think it's that weird. At that age, you've come to terms with what your family is and you're probably not likely to make a huge deal out of it. He wasn't their father, he was a donor. That's all.

Right? It's the passive form for a reason. It's happening TO them.

But men have athlete bodies and doing things that require strength, right? It makes sense. What reason do the women have to look like porn stars?

Are you saying this needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis rather than looking at the organization as a whole? Or am I misunderstanding you?

The last wedding I was in, the maid of honor suggested going to a gay bar for the bachelorette. My thoughts were along this article. I just said that I'd rather not and there were few enough of us that they found something else to do. Especially in CA, taking a wedding-related party to a gay bar is rude as well as

Yeah, I'm sure being beaten about the head had nothing to do with that.

Regardless of where it took place, I think it's sad is all. I'm willing to admit that the fire was clearly meant to intimidate the community, and that has to be accounted for. But the vast difference in punishments are striking, given that one was for raping a child.

Set fire to a building: up to 20 years

Sometimes you're a correctional officer the only prison near where you live is a men's prison. How hard could that be to figure out?

... for now. :)

That seems... highly unlikely.

How does a 3 year old dress like a whore?

Thank you. I didn't know this. I swear to use my new knowledge for good!

I'm not demanding or dictating anything. We're allowed to critique works of art unless I'm mistaken. And that includes discussing representation of certain groups and their portrayal and the effect that it has.

Even if we critique something today, we're told that "S/he wrote what he wrote and why should we change that?" When are we allowed to complain?