
I think the author’s Osaka fandom is causing her to dramatically overestimate the potential impact of a brand-managing Netflix documentary to “alter the sports world altogether”, especially when it is not actually advocating for any changes within even her own sport.

Oh, well that’s because the writer is wrong. When it comes to global elite level sports play and the media aspect of it, the particular things giving Osaka trouble are true everywhere. 

I’m a little confused by the “American sporting complex” in regards to the rest of the article. I know that Osaka has lived in the United States since childhood, but she is a Japanese citizen and the tournaments that she dropped out of are French and English, respectively.

Technically correct, since seaweed is an algae.

I saw video of an unarmed woman get shot point blank with a rubber bullet by some fucking jerkoff pig and all I can say is I want to see him fucking dead.

Also, the police were defending the people protesting a private business following state rules instead of dispersing them. The photos of them attacking the counterprotesters are predictable but depressing

Well, if he is going to be the last democratically elected president for a long time we might as well enjoy it. 

In unrelated news, here’s helpful aritcle on how to remove embedded ticks:

Just don’t be the guy in his 60s growing out super thin hair so he can have one of those nasty, greasy little ponytails.

I pretty much assume anything that goes viral is staged. So far, I have yet to be proven wrong.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. $.05 says it’s all an influencer schtick.

Have you read about the portion where he is reading his own e-mail via deep learning AI and recordings of his voice? Seems unnecessary and kinda sketchy. It’s mentioned in this review:

Beat me to it.  

I don’t know why I even come here anymore.

Agreed!  And toys should never, ever look like weapons. My father’s best friend died in a mass shooting when I was very young. We weren’t even allowed to make our hand into the shape of a gun and point it at each other. No squirt guns either. You can actually grow up very happy and well-adjusted without pretending

Never heard of her. I’m old.  Having admitted that, I applaud the efforts.

This is the most spot on take of this clowns ass that I’ve seen, heard or read. Dude doesn’t even know about half the shit he screams over. It’s odd, uncomfortable and inappropriate for the “world wide leader”.  

He gets paid royally to be a buffoon that’s wrong and loud and gets ESPN to talk about whatever dumb shit he said that day on all its platforms.

Another good camping option is a Moka Pot. It’s a little bulky to pack but is fairly light weight and brews coffee in one step.

‘I have never had a chef refer to me as family’