
Anyone who cooks has a few good dishes that they can make. Good food is good food, and any chef enjoys something good, especially something made by a friend. 

A B-level celebrity pitching B-level pizza. It was a perfect fit. 

I read the article, and most of the complaints seemed to be that they weren’t making enough money--period. In that case, you are the problem, not the customers. One interesting observation, though, was from an owner who said that people pay attention to food pricing but not alcohol. Kind of an admission that although

Americans’ taste for spicy has changed a lot since Huy Fong’s sriracha appeared. I think people have become more familiar with more sauces and they use more than one, but that rooster bottle is what I see on the tables of every Asian restaurant (some Mexican places, too.)

Kroger utilized the pandemic to kick off a series of unprecedented price hikes. Giving them anything more now is so obviously wrong.

Who makes this shit up? 

I was expecting Jay Z to rush the stage to rip the grammy out of Taylor Swift’s hands as she accepted it. 

Wondering why the director of a best picture nominee film didn’t get nominated herself is a normal reaction. When the nominated film’s star doesn’t get nominated is more of the same. 

Nice headline. Biden is not the problem in this sad story. 

The only reason that he showed up in court was to disrupt it. He plans his tantrums. 

The U.S. is not a failed state. The GOP is a failure.

I want that orange POS to be their nominee. It will be a pleasure to watch him get his ass kicked again. 

What’s this--a nice story on the Dirt Bag? Tsk-tsk.

Instead of using “anti-abortion” to desribe them, tell it like it is. These are “forced-birth advocates.”

If they go with the Gilbert Gottfried voice, it might be a bit jarring but you’re sure going to hear your order repeated back to you.

MJ, Bird, and Magic have all done this, right?

If you’re going to eat it right out of the can, the preferred method is to open the lid, but leave it attached so that it sticks up, hobo-style.

Chris Pratt is too busy looking into a mirror to notice anything else.

I am big. It’s NYC that got small. --Mario

I’ve written plenty of times about the wonders of this grocery darling...”