
When I saw that police station junk, it made cafeteria pizza look superior. 

“Courage” has a new definition now?

The only thing that bothered me was the prom date story that wound up getting people doxxed and harassed by his fans but I don’t think it was his fault that fans can be such maniacs and go to the length to find out stuff like that.

Referring to Ann Coulter, Jenna Ellis, and Meghan McCain as “high-profile conservative women” is both pathetic and true. 

“Affy Tapple” brand in Chicago is the best. You can find them in grocery and drug stores. They ship them, too.

Sounds exactly like my mom. She has five kids and all of us have quit that church. 

I’m assuming that you don’t have children. If you did, you’d have experience with hiding treats. Compared to keeping stuff away from those ever-hungry wolves, stowing things away from a spourse would be easy. 

Nice video, but it needs a soundtrack. I’d suggest “Banana Boat” by Harry Belafonte. 

Peanut butter and fried baloney. 

No Pelosi, no ACA. 

It’ll be Tim Scott. He’s as Mike Pence as it gets. 

Nancy, like all women repub leaders, is just doing her job, acting as the Judas Goat for women. 

Rest a steak for five minutes. Put it on a plate/board and cover it with a mixing bowl to keep it warm and most. 

He’s learning. --Chuck Todd

Too old.

You read the manual completely and everything worked just fine. That’s cheating. 

I use the self checkout all the time and never see these problems. Is screwing up at the self checkout register something that regularly occurs in red states?

It’s called horror vacui. Fear of an empty space. 

All those artists listed who tried to get PAB to back off, failed. There doesn’t seem to be an enforceable legal recourse that could be used. A lot of venues pay RIAA a flat fee that allows just about anything to be used by whoever is using the facility. 

Yeah, scab 0ptics aside, you have to wonder about how his manager thought that this was a smart promotion.