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He also had guest role  on Burn Notice in 2010, still a bad-ass

you should have gone with

It was also the school of choice on Castle too.

Tell me about, my wife complains I know trivia but how to load the dishwater properly, I fail. 

Hillman undergrad, then Hudson University Medical School. Otherwise known as the deadliest university campus in the US. 

Did he go Cliff’s alam mater, Hudson University? 

Article seems a little wide from the goalposts.

Back, when I was travelling the max rental period for Hertz was 43 days. I’d drive to the airport, find my new car, take my stuff out and put it into the new one(i.e. ez-pass, etc). They knew me, so they picked up after I was done with it, 

Your sacrifice is noted.

You know the rule. The more oppressed a place, the more kinkier things happen behind closed doors.

The safety word is “gepetto”

Now how do I explain my laughter to my cubicle neighbor.

Now he just needs to see “The Aristocrats”

Didn’t air brakes were a standard feature.

Yes the owner has memories and 94 payments left. 

+1 Bowl (Stadium or Hair Cut - Your choice)

Yes. They have a primer facie case.

You will have your chance soon, said the Fat Conductor. 

Hopefully, the justice system won’t whitewash this crime. 

I guess Darren will have to pick up a few more shifts at ESPN now.