
are you in any way a service member? because I tell this to my soldiers ALL the time.

We are turning in our Passat TDI this friday and picking up a Sorento SX as a family car. My wife said she’s going to miss that turbo diesel. For the 80k miles we drove has been a worry free car. It just that thankfully we were going to get an SUV as a family car it kind of worked out. We still

CR agrees with you. As I will. Hyundai needs to have Peter S’ team start designing their cars as he has KIA

Picking up our Nearly fully loaded 2017 Sorento SX, a very very good looking vehicle that was thousands cheaper than the Honda or Toyota... and the quality feel was pretty good.

Peter Schreyer is one of the 3 CEOs of Hyundai, but is also one of the designers for the KIA line, as you can see by the Germanic feel of the vehicles when you sit in one.

Funny you say that... Not all Hyundai dealers are Genesis dealers... and they’re not in the showroom with the regular cars, closest one to it is probably the plug in Sonata.... I don’t think there’s a shitty car out there anymore...

when was the last time you sat in a Tuscon/Santa Fe/Sonata with upscale packages? Definitely not cheap... and I doubt people that have shitty credit would be buying a $30k car..

You’re right.... but with cars that are mearly a few thousands cheaper than Honda/KIA... they need to start changing. I’ve had at least two good experiences at KIA or Hyundai show rooms. Especially when I started looking at the 30-40k cars...

Honestly, you’re right... with Peter S. at helm, Hyundai & KIA are thousands of miles from what they used to be even in 2007...

If you don’t go and test drive the KIA Sportage SXT, you’re not going to be doing yourself any favors. It’s a zippy vehicle. (Talk to Tom McP for a stress free buy)

but.... her emails!... also..... facts don’t matter...

I have to get to Queens to see my parents... also when I lived in Queens... had to get to NJ for work... so.... those situations are probably not applied for everyone.

I too have contemplated doing this...but I stopped at getting junkyard tires and keeping the 18 inch rims... My turn in date is this Friday the 23rd...I’m going to make sure I take everything out of the car that I put in, mats, ez pass and paperwork....I’ll keep the spare tire...since... why not. Since my car has the

being that he did business deals from Trump Plaza... wouldn’t that be conflict of interest? Also... wouldn’t that be the anti- campaign, where he kept saying that Obama took a LOT of vacations? Unless you have to do government work... he shouldn’t be going to Trump Plaza.... but yeah... NYC would be bankrupt, unless

I’m sure you won’t have to deal with any traffic jams with POTUS Trump...

Just try NYC and the UN summit... “Oh the US Pres is on his way.... can’t use the East side from this time to that time? Oh cool... I’ll just call work and tell them I’m not working for the next 2 days”..... thanks.

I’m appalled that there are no German vehicles on here...

Yeah... and being that Audi is leaning E-Tron in the market arena.. I think it makes sense for the overall image for 2 different manufacturers using 2 different techs...

How is it that Porsche is not affected by this? Is it because Audi used the Diesel power for the endurance racing?

my dad would want a Skoda to appear in his driveway... hell no it ain’t happening.