holy shit, I would think it would be a rust bucket by now. and a YUGO a Classic... well If I wasn’t proud to be from the Balkan region before, now I can walk confidently into rooms full of people knowing that we don’t really suck that much.
holy shit, I would think it would be a rust bucket by now. and a YUGO a Classic... well If I wasn’t proud to be from the Balkan region before, now I can walk confidently into rooms full of people knowing that we don’t really suck that much.
a credit union near me has available rates at 1.99, gonna take a look at it today/tomorrow
I’ll be taking the rubber floor mats, maybe the tires and rims, and the extra key fob as a memento.. as I do for all the cars I’ve owned...
someone needs to have one of these stanced....
it’s going to be like ~34-36k... before discounts..
Which answer would you want, here’s a few I got every time I called:
Shouldn’t it be a $2k European car and $8k for repairs or something like that ?
PS: I’m still locked out of the VW Claims site
Hey Tom, could you pencil me in for a A7 at this time next year? As much as I hate VW right now, I don’t have that much hate for Audi....... yet...
As I read this, I’m screening a phone call from a dealer... 4th phone call this morning to tell me about the great incentives they’re running for the end of the month. I better act fast or they’ll change in 4 days!!
VWs usually are better at high miles...since all the things that have a low availability have been changed out by the previous owner (paperwork pending that is)
I’d like to say, as an owner of 2 VWs... we really haven’t had that many problems (other than TDI). Our VW Rabbit, which I bought new for my wife in 2007 after I got back from Afghanistan, has had minimal problems for it’s 138k miles. It survived our 2001 Audi A6, our 2008 Accord V4 (car had no power).. and now…
Anxiety Increasing......
It looks good, but for those with TDI’s and about 20k burning in their pocket, this is a bit too late. If this was in the showroom now as we’re readying to sell back our Passat TDI to VW, we would consider it.
GM f’ed up.... Instead of doing the Chevy Volt and then the Caddie, it should have been the other way around... same thing that Tesla did with the Model S.....offer the expensive one to those well off and able, then offer the cheaper one to the masses.
I mean you could go many ways...
I can’t buy a new car with my 21.5.... but it’s way more than I would get for a car I utilized for 80k miles.