You either own an Italian for 4 months, of Japanese for 4 decades...
You either own an Italian for 4 months, of Japanese for 4 decades...
What do you drive?
so... what will it take for a guy contemplating on spending 75k on a F-150 to spend that much on a Mercedes pickup truck?
...and here I am trying to get a reliable crossover so my RN wife can get to work safely and back home......penny pinching...y not AMG?
So what are we looking at here...mid 45k....upper 50k?
This is the reason why I hate TrueCar when I run them. They do the /monthly on the “discounted” price and not the total, prompting me to calculate the % tax, then overestimating the fees (at 1k)... then Monthly payment. Usually the monthly before the OTD is about 100 to 200 below, and I don’t want to focus on…
This is why I’m very apprehensive of going to the dealer and buying a car now, and just by going to the dealer and sitting down talking finance...I feel this anxiety come over me. I’m so tired after talking options and price, that I forget to negotiate...No matter how much of discounts I get I feel like I got a bad…
I started reading this... and then half way through the thing... “wait a minute... this is satire!!”
Thanks’re responsible for my CL searches for anything BMW from the early 80s...Damn it.
I’m going to favor this article for reference when I’m looking to replace my 2007 VW Rabbit (soon....soon)
wow... Holy Shit.... as a Husband of a woman that has had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy, this article breaks my heart. I knew what the article was about, but I kept thinking that the next sentence is going to bring good news. I kept thinking despite the article headline. This must have been such an emotional…
knowing the people that drive Range Rovers....and those that drive Jeeps... you’re absolutely correct.
Being that Range Rovers are as reliable as Jeeps... yeah I can see this happening... but will Range Rover drivers cross shop with this? Hard to say, but I’m leaning to No.
Join the club buddy, As an Infantry Officer we talked about stuff, but nothing that was actually confirming the things like this. Forcing one self onto a person, using rank to get sexual favors..or forcing someone to perform them, hell if anything our male soldiers would stay away from females in uniform, or treat…
I’m going to be in similar pickle soon... Our 2013 TDI Passat just turned 80k miles, so we’re getting about 21.5 for it.
My friend bought a used one, loves it. One of the best bikes he’s owned.
Yes, the HD crowd usually doesn’t aspire towards a bike, but image they aspire to project...
I know a lot of people that have these bikes. The problem is that the F6B’s price is VERY VERY close to the full Goldwing people usually just buy the Goldwing as their “final” motorcycle and ride it across the states.
Look everyone...God will use this man, doesn’t matter if he’s a sexual deviant and assaults women, he’ll use this man....BUT BILL CLINTON... My kids ....I don’t educate my kids to know what’ wrong and what’s right... so they thought it was the Oral office. I’m mad about Bill..... but not about Trump forcing himself.…