
They can and do hold copyright to all their signage, their logo and other identifying collateral as well as the design of their products and packaging. While it might be hard to copyright brushed nickel and light wood, there is a lot to the decor of an Apple store than can be copyrighted or trademarked.

Well aside from the gun-powder propellant a .25 bullet is basically a BB, and it is pretty hard to kill someone with a BB gun, especially in a crisis situation.

Geeez, yeah just because one bad person used a gun for a bad thing now everything gun related is taboo for 6 months, just because some members of the population are over-sensitive.

Reminds me a lot of the original Prince of Persia, just prettier.

The Altair related things in the Villa could just be because they were both Assassins and the Villa was once an Assassin base. Altair's armor was obviously put there to protect it from being taken by the Templars. If you recall there were statues to other Assassins definitely not related to Altair or Ezio also in that

Really? In what part of the game do they specifically say Ezio is related to Altair?

Stream in this case is like a Twitter stream. This is how Google+ handles comments and updates.

You do realize that it is "optional" to make different versions of apps for different devices, right? If your original intention was to make one app that would work across many devices you can still go right ahead and do that.

Fragmentation is apparently when about 50 apps out of over 200,000 fail to work with every modern (2.1+) device...

Since wiki pages are edited by the people who view them and not always by the people who are authorities on the subject in question, the wiki page could easily be wrong (and they often are).

Well what is canon? Info from a wiki page or info found in the game itself? The above passage about Domenico is from Assassins Creed 2.

Desmond could be a descendant of both Ezio and Altair, while Ezio and Altair were not related to each other. At some point after Ezio and Altair's lives their bloodlines could have crossed beginning a chain of descendants that led to Desmond.

When people say "Personal Computer" they mean something very different from when they say "Tablet" or "Smartphone" which is why we have different words and terms to describe these different devices. At the same time the "smartphone" market is very different from the "PC" market, in that people shopping for one type of

If a smartphone was actually a computer, it would be called a computer and not a smartphone. Just because modern smartphones can do a lot of the same things that people use computers for does not make them one in the same, which is why we have different words to describe them.

Kentucky Fried Chicken changed their name to KFC because they wanted to downplay the fact that their main food offering was fried because customers were becoming more health-conscious.

How do you determine what "type" of company a hardware manufacture is? By what is sells?

Well it only came out 7 months ago.. so a lot less than a year I would say.

It is $100 with a new 2 year contract.

I also bought the Wii right after launch, and I have about 30-40 games (discs) for it and another dozen or two downloadable titles. Only a couple of the games I have purchase do I feel were really worthwhile purchases.

People we actually KNOW are on Google+ as well.