
I recently played Darkstar One. I got it for $5 and it was worth every penny, however had it been a more average $40-60 I don't know if I would have been as happy with the game. Decent space fighting (too easy tho) but horrible story, villain, voice acting and animation. Also the economy part of the game could be 100%

A lot of people felt burned by the Wii. Everyone bought one because everyone thought it was going to be amazing. However with the exception of a few notable titles the game offering was shallow, boring and in some cases plainly unplayable.

MicroUSB is the standard charger size for all cell phone manufacturers that are not Apple. Mini is "too large" for a lot of the super-thin phones that companies keep making and aside from a slight mechanical advantage are not superior to MicroUSB.

The main reason there isn't one "standard" for every kind of technology is because there is really no authority that can actually enforce standards. Companies can do whatever they want with their own product, they can make them compliant to a standard or not.

Netflix hasn't updated their app to officially work on tablets yet.

People didn't often walk in the kind of armor pictured above. That kind of plate armor was mainly used while riding on horseback. The vast majority of foot soldiers wore no armor, or a form of light armor such as leather, chain, scale, laminate or more often some combination of these light armors.

I have never had a problem with Sprint and I have had them for years. Phones break and they have never given me a hassle about returning or exchanging one. Verizon on the other hand...

I am running a 6-core 3.2ghz Windows 7 PC with 16gigs of RAM & a 250GB SSD for my primary disk and I still get significant slowdowns in Adobe InDesign. I am pretty sure the program is just buggy. Photoshop runs very smoothly tho, but I still get the occasional "out of memory" errors in Illustrator.

$7.31 Billion? That's a lot of Lawyer Chow!

I had a similar experience, only with my HTC Android phone. It broke, I walked into a Sprint store, the guy saw it was non-functional, saw it was under warranty and took a new phone off the shelf and handed it to me, charger, battery & extra microSD card included.

Well if people won't give you money.. then the planes have another use. If your not with us, you're a'gin us! :)

Google is an innovative company for the WAY they improved their software.

Actually the iPad 2 was released like.. 4 months ago. The original iPad was released last year. the iPad is a good device but the deluge of Android tablets that are starting to hit stores will eat away at its market share pretty quick as more and more devices become available from more and more different outlets.

"Apple is trying to stifle competition because they are running out of ways to meaningfully improve their products."

Out of 200,000+ apps, there are maybe two dozen that don't run across every current (2.1+) Android phone. Fragmentation has been and will likely continue to be an over-sensationalized problem.

I would also like to point out that your argument has nothing to do with the fact that Google is trying to improve the quality of consumer electronics (not just phones), while Apple is intent on suing everyone who does anything somewhat similar to any product they have either released or some day plan to release.

Really? I don't see Apple creating self-driving cars or an integrated appliance control system for houses. And remind me, who bought a map company to compete with Google Maps? Not everything Google does is copying Apple or another company although there is obvious value in competing in certain market spaces if you

Who cares about debt? With 2,443 I would like to see people come knocking, trying to collect their money :) Also the Chinese would only buy a single plane.. and then reverse engineer it and make copies just like they did with the Russian Su-27.

Just make the cover black like HP did for their smart cover clone. No one even cared to notice that HP did the exact same thing a few weeks ago for their tablet because it wasn't fruit-colored.

Who cares about Photoshop?