
If Valve is successful making PC and console games, and they are VERY successful, why should they venture into mobile gaming? There is going to be a strong market for PC and console games for the foreseeable future, just because people ALSO play mobile games doesn't mean you suddenly have to start producing games for

No mention of Google Music?

I wish that the original Deus Ex would be released as an Xbox Live Arcade game for around $10. A new control scheme would have to be configured but aside from that there is little reason why the game couldn't be ported over easily.

Getting to the upper city when infiltrating TYM and actually getting to see "sunlight" for a little while. I know its a DX game and they generally take place at night, but there is no reason there couldn't have been a little more daylight and a little more color in the game. I got sick and tired of looking at yellow.

I cheaped out.

I also got Turtle Wax's headlight polishing kit for about $8. An hour later my headlights looked like new again. Definitely worth the $8.

IE looks like Chrome and Firefox had a baby.

See my response to PraireMoon.

I have tried IE9.

You can do something similar that is a bit faster by using a sheet of plastic poster paper (the dry erase kind) and a weak solutions of bleach (about 1:5 bleach to water). Cut your stencil, put it on your shirt and spray it with a light mist of bleach solution. Let Dry. Repeat until you get the desired lightness and

If you didn't have Internet Explorer, how would you get online to download Chrome or Firefox? :)

The only "default" Windows software that I hate is Internet Explorer.

I am sure SE made a lot of money from OnLive to include that coupon in their game boxes. It was a good choice by SE to take OnLive's money for putting cards into boxes they were gonna ship anyway. They couldn't have known that Gamestop was going to react like this, especially since OnLive isn't really a competitor to

Money isn't lost to the developer.

I fail to see why you can't "browse" games online. I mean I can browse literally thousands of games online, read the back of packages, read multiple reviews and opinions from other gamer, watch video clips and see concept art for almost any game using the internet.

First of all, I ain't a kid. I have been an "adult" longer than anyone that can correctly be called a "kid" has been alive.

I am not going to PAX, but I am definitely going to PAX East.

Retailers generally have no say over what kind of marketing materials that are included in the packaging of the products that they buy. They can either choose to buy inventory or not, sell it in their stores or not.

Stuff like that is almost always easier to find online than it is to find at a B&M store, and if Gamestop has to order it for you it will likely cost more and take just as long to arrive than had you ordered it online yourself.

Instead of gutting the boxes or discontinuing sales, what Gamestop should have done is just give everyone who buys DE:HR in-store a coupon code for a free download of the first two DE games.