
.005% of the people you mention equals 50,000 users. While that might be a small percentage of all iPhone users that is still a very significant user base for an app that you have to jailbreak in order to use. Imagine what the user base for this app could have been had it been an official app available to all iPhone

Previously the website only told you if an App was compatible when you tried to install one from the site. Now there is a small widget that tells you you compatibility before you try to install. It isn't a major change, but it is handy.

This was only an issue for people who used the Android Market website. In the past, the website would only tell you if your phone is compatible when you clicked the install button on the app page. Now the website stores your phone information and tells you up front if an app is compatible with your devices.

This is for the Android Market website, not the Market App on your phone. The market website didn't know what kind of device you had until you tried to install an App.


"Obviously it doesn't bother iOS users too much that Apple blocked this app and then basically copied it. The end result is the same for the customer. We get wifi syncing, except it is free now."

How much money would this guy have made had the app been available to every iPhone user instead of the relatively small number of jailbroken iPhone users? Obviously there was a demand that his app met, since he did sell 50,000 copies. No matter how much press you get it is pretty hard to sell 50,000 of something that

You say they are not charging for the feature which is true for existing customers.

No, I would be happier with Anon if they stopped maliciously hacking company databases and sharing innocent people's personal information on the internet.

If Anonymous weren't being such dicks lately I would be more inclined to side with them.

I agree, however at the same time a tool as useful as this one shouldn't have been prevented from being distributed via the App Store unless it presented a significant security risk.

I find it funny that so many Apps get rejected from Apple's App Store for offering services or processes that are prohibited by the iPhone SDK, only to have Apple include those same services and processes in the next revision of their OS or in their own 1st party Apps.

I guess that only matters if I actually cared what kinds of phones other people use...

I guess that would work for some military ships, however there aren't a while lot of nuclear powered cargo ships. In fact there were only 4 built, and there is only one still in operation today.

As soon as I pulled out my Android phone to check a message, things would get awkward :)

Generally you cool something hot by placing it in water.

Word of advice, if someone needs to reach you in an actual emergency they won't try to communicate via Text Message.

Just because you are a dick 98% of the time doesn't mean you don't have feelings, and aren't nice to some people. This photo doesn't change my opinion of Jobs at all. He's a great CEO and all, but I wouldn't wanna be stuck next to him on a plane.

Well Rare is a Microsoft-owned game studio, what do you expect? And whatever will we do without the wonderful studio that brought us Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazoie...

Going on a forum is easy. Finding the relevant information is not.