
Oh my God.. They added completely optional features that might help some people enjoy the game more! How DARE they?!??

But so is fixing a screwed up phone if you don't know what you are doing ;)

Why would you be mad that Nintendo brought in motion control?

Yup.. because no one buys Mario games anymore either.

That game looks generally disappointing. Lightsaber fights on rails? No thanks.

I never said people are morons and I don't know why you are so angry by the fact that some people just don't care if they don't have the latest phone hardware and software. I was just postulating several very likely reasons why older versions of Android are still in use to day per the OPs comment.

I have seen many different people in wheel chairs very easily control full-sized wheel chairs. They did not have to stop every 2 feet to push the card, and then wheel themselves up to it again only to stop and push it. I don't believe the guy in the video had an actual disability. I might be wrong but it looks to me

Did you not notice the parts of mu post that read: ..."we had many disabled customers in wheelchairs." and the other part that read: "Most of them preferred to either use the smaller carts specifically made for use with wheel chairs..." ?

Didn't we all get over the phenomena of people doing "magic" tricks timed to videos and discreet screen presses with an iPad when the first iPad came out and hundreds of these videos flooded YouTube?

I worked in a grocery store for 10 years and we had many disabled customers in wheelchairs. None of them ever exhibited this guys ineptitude at pushing a cart while in their wheelchairs.

At first glance this looks really cool. At second glance though it would be hard to store books in any kind of uniform manner on those shelves since they don't all have the same open space. Also if you did load the shelves up with books you wouldn't be able to read the message since the books would break up all the

When you talk of ROMs you are obviously not taking into account the the vast majority of Android users don't root, don't wanna root and don't really care about the things you can do with a rooted phone.

I guess we should also be glad they didn't make MC too effeminate. :)

Some people don't bother doing that. They like their phones and they don't want to deal with the hassle of selling their phone to pay for a new one. Also, a lot of smart phones get passed down to kids or other family members. When you have a family plan, in a lot of cases the 2nd and 3rd lines aren't eligible for

I would imagine that Abrams returned to the original style of TOS because he was making a movie about the origins of the TOS characters.

For all Apple's great hardware design.. they sure do make shitty logos.

The Sprint Store won't help you revert to an older version of Android. If you want to go back to 2.2 you will have to relie on your friendly neighborhood XDA members.

He looks anorexic.

Product placement helps pay for movies. Sad fact but true.

What is tricky about the text input? If you have an stock EVO the Sense keyboard is virtually unchanged. Copy I paste is easier to use as well because you only have to long press a word to select the entire word and when you do press a single word selection handles pop up. The selection handles also stay selected