
"Will this put you off purchasing one?"

I have seen almost this exact same recipe sold at grocery stores like Hannaford under the name "Cowboy Rub."

"...he asks for a sirloin steak or rib-eye with a meat-to-fat ratio between 75-25 and 80-20."

Flash can be annoying, but since the default action for Flash on an Android device is "On Demand" which means you have to click any element you want to use, you only have to interact with those Flash elements that you want to. Its not like you have Flash Ads loading all over the place in an Android browser or

So just because you personally don't find it useful, it isn't a benefit to thousands of users worldwide?

Pandora is just a lot more refined than Grooveshark, it finds better matches to the song type that you want, has a better (simpler) user interface and the music tends to be on average better quality. The Grooveshark app also tends to drain battery faster than the Pandora app.

Did anyone really believe that any files uploaded to a cloud sharing site were really secure? Really?

The hash contains more descriptive information than just the file name and size. If the hash does't exactly match then your file which is nearly impossible unless your file is a copy of a file already on Dropbox's server, then your file is uploaded instead of referencing the existing file on the Dropbox server.

We are the internet police. Respect maahh authoritaaaah! :)

I honestly don't even think it is a majority. It is probably just an extremely vocal minority that needs to stop listening to their Alaskan witch-woman and if they don't like the direction the country it taking get their asses into the voting booths next year instead of sitting it out like they apparently did in '08.

I have it on my EVO (non rooted, 2.2 Stock) and picture quality has been excellent. Better by far than the video quality on the HBOGo app. However I have also noticed that this App works the same way as other Netflix streaming does, so that in cases where you have a less than optimal network connection you are sent a

I honestly doubt that they care, at least until their content providers complain. Netflix has announced that they are trying to bring the app to every Android phone anyway, and that they will hopefully be adding new phones to the app compatibility much sooner than later.

This doesn't affect all apps, nor will it really stop people from releasing apps on iOS platforms. At worst this will slow down the release for a relative few apps (though they should definitely keep rolling out updates) and refer the lawsuit to Apple's lawyers since it is Apple's API and thus Apple is claiming

Powerstrips are big and cumbersome. When I travel I usually bring 2 three outlet adapters. I get extra outlets this way, they are small enough to jam into the space between other packed things, and they generally only cost 99¢ each, which is cheaper than any powerstrip.

PC is a generic term that means "personal computer" and a Mac is a personal computer even though over the years (with encouragement from Apple's marketing department [] ) the term PC has come to mainly refer to a computer that uses Windows.

When playing Morrowind on the PC I got into the habit of collecting all the unique weapons and armor and misc. items in the game and setting up displays in all the houses in Balmora. To this day if know there is a unique item in a game I have to go get it, even if my character cannot use it, its weaker than my current

I am an American, and I couldn't give two craps about it.

Hey man, its no different than all the people out their driving BMWs who don't know how to change their engine oil...

The .apk is kinda like a .zip file that contains all of the files the make up any given app. You can load .apk files from anywhere onto your phone if you go into Settings > Applications and then check the box that says something like "Unknown Sources - allow installation of non-Market applications."

It still won't be the best thing to read on in direct sunlight.