
Shift + Bracket increases or decreases the edge hardness of whatever brush you are using also. That comes in handy for me quite often.

Dude, you are completely missing the point.

No one has Gingerbread yet unless they are running a phone with stock Android. The only phones I can think of off the top of my head that should be running Gingerbread already is the Nexus S and maybe Nexus One.

I am skeptical. If all the App ends up being is a digital notepad on my phone there is no way that it will replace my existing moleskin notebook. Smartphones are awesome tools but for something a paper and pen/pencil are just better.

You can buy a box of 20 vacuum cleaner bags for $5.

Estimates put sales of the iPad2 as high as 500,000 units on launch day. If Bestbuy sold 3% of that 500,000 that equates to 15,000 iPad2 sold. 15,000 iPad2 equate to $8,250,000.00 if every iPad sold was the 16GB WiFi model (cheapest model).

Your math doesn't quite add up since you aren't taking into account the fact that most of that profit loss would be Best Buy's and not Apples. Bestbuy buys electronics from Apple and then sells them, just like every other chain retail store. (this is an over-simplification, but basically true).

Well if that happens maybe Amazon will randomly give out a free browser as one of their daily free Apps.

How many prototypes do you think it will take to make a vacuum or a fan that is actually affordable for the average consumer?

22 months isn't a huge amount of time between significantly different versions of a console. And in a couple of cases the time between refreshes was significantly less.

This just doesn't make any sense. Bestbuy is a major electronics sales channel with a huge customer base. Even if every retail employee swapped an original iPad for an iPad 2, the number if iPad 2's "lost" in this manner wouldn't be significant compared to the number of iPad 2's that could potentially end up in

That is very awesome in a deviously awful way.

Yeah but he helped found Apple and has been with the company in some capacity for a long time. Perhaps if he does make a return he could open Apple up a little bit, however I doubt anything he tries would be very effective as long as Jobs is still running the show.

3DS sales will probably pick up once there are actually a decent stable of games for the console. As it is, three is little reason to trade in you existing DS in order to play the handful of games available for the system.

Let him drink a RedBull. No job allows their employees to nap for 5 hours during the middle of his or her shift. Assuming he is working an normal 8-10 hour shift, he has 12 hours in the rest of the day to sleep which is more than enough for anyone.

They have radio's to alert ATC if they are experiencing a problem. Much more informative than a loud horn. At the same time, if there is no one there to answer the radio there is likely to be no one there who cares about the horn.

How large is your airport? Larger international terminals have plans landing and taking off every 5-10 minutes or so. In which case it is important to have someone paying attention to who is where so you don't have collisions during take-off and landings

People might complain about a change, but as long as page-hits don't decrease and people still come to YouTube to watch videos why should they change it back?

I myself am getting kind of tired of seeing that photo. When there is a negative iPhone article, the image header used it generally a shiny-new iPhone. But whenever there is the slightest bit of negativity they trot out that rusty, broken Android.