
Star Trek the Motion Picture.

$41mil?! WTF?

I just don't understand the attention that this app has received. Its a cute novelty but it won't work well for the vast majority of users since not enough people have it, and of those that do not enough of them are likely to either be using it at any given time, or enough of a shutterbug to make anything worthwhile

Ehh I could reply, or you could just go read this:

Uhh no there isn't. The Nook Color.. Maybe. The Galaxy Tab maybe. I doubt the large number of crappy Android tablets that flood the Asian markets could smoothly run Honeycomb, and since they are for the most part not readily available in the U.S. nor are they made by any major electronics company I am not even sure

Because open-source just specifies that you will release the source code, it doesn't state a time requirement for you to do so. You are allowed to finish your project before you open it up to the public.

A bad Android phone reflects badly on Android as a brand. Most consumers will never take the time to realize that a particular phone was bad because the manufacturer force the wrong version of the OS to run on the phone.

With open source comes the risk that people will use you software to do very stupid things.

The OS was intended for use on Tablets, but that doesn't mean that is the only possible applications (or even the best one) of the software.

Some devs are smarter than others....

I am not sure why anyone even really cares about this. Sure people would like to play around with Honeycomb now but the reality is there isn't a whole lot of hardware available that will properly support the OS and vice versa.

This looks very similar to how HTC does their Sense UI Contacts widget...

You can see his face in the game. However you had a choice of being male or female (with different faces) so keeping a mask on the figure allows people to imagine that the toy they bought is the Revan they played with.

Desktop - Laptops are enough for most people. There is really very little reason for the average consumer to have a desktop PC. They are big, inconvenient and most aren't significantly more upgradeable than a laptop, and even if they are most consumers aren't going to pull a machine apart to figure out which new

Yeah, but subscriptions only work if what you offer cannot be obtained legally and for free from other locations. There are tons of news outlets that offer the same world information that the NYT does. There will be some difference among editorial content, but then that only matters if you really respect the editorial

You could move the device instead of the camera and get the same effects. And while not all Kotaku staffers are professional photographers, Kotaku is a professional media outlet as in "people get paid to make content for the site."

Why has no one who makes these videos ever heard of a tripod? Stop trying to run a camera and a handheld device simultaneously! Spend the $15 it would take to get a decent low-end tripod! Your viewers will thank you!

People actually still pay for news?

What Jesus hasn't realized is that nearly all of the uses for radioactive materials that this Disney promotional video lists are already in use, or have previously been widely in use for a very long time.

Carriers want their phones to be different so that they can say they have "exclusives." But most recent HTC phones have been just about the same, and all of them have been good.