

I do use the .ca domain sometimes as it is easier to check replies :)

I got a chance to play with a Samsung Tab 7in at a local Bestbuy, and I have to say that I really enjoyed the device. It was quick, and worked well for web browsing and email, and all of the Apps that were installed on it worked just fine on its larger-than-phone screen.

Actually, Samsung doesn't need to compete with Apple in order to be successful. Samsung doesn't even have to sell as many tablets as Apple to be successful. All they have to do is sell units and take their cut which is significantly larger than the cut Apple gets on their own iPads.

@TendoMentis: While I agree with the anti-advertising sentiment these guys display as well as their ingenuity (fyi: I work in advertising creative), I agree.

@burninator: Adblock Plus now comes in traditional Firefox and new Minty Chrome flavors.

@Mysterious Goat: You would be surprised how often HTML, and html's looser cousin XML ends up in document formatting tools, including MS Office, Adobe Acrobat & InDesign, Open Office and Google Docs.

I wasn't talking about the content of the store or the availability of Apps in a negative way. I only wanted to point out that NES/SNES ROM download Apps & Apps that stream video torrents are examples of things you won't find in Apple's app store due to Apple's strict policies. I will gladly put up with the chance of

@lucasway89: Its a trade-off. Personally I don't mind putting up with a little malware now and again as long as I also get to enjoy all the videogame emulators and free rom apps floating around the Market. Oh, and the free video streaming apps are great too ;)

@supersubsonicz: There is a difference between hacking your own hardware's software in order to allow features that were not installed (or removed) by the hardware's manufacturer.

Cool, but definitely not $6350.00 cool....

That argument is tenuous at best.

which is still not quite the same thing as being social. ;)

I really don't care about what other people are doing, especially if I don't know them.

Tablets are starting to replace laptops as a form of distraction while watching TV. So what?

@Yeah!: I have never had this problem using Google Maps for navigation.

I honestly wish Google would stop adding all of this social media crap to Maps.

Most displays in Sam's Club look like that. The "boxes" shown stacked up there are just cardboard cards that you bring to customer service in order to get the actual tablet.

I went through the body scanners at the airport recently and they were no big deal, at least, no worse than having to take off my shoes and belt.

Isn't the end of 2012 really like... 2013?