

Hmm... Why?

This is awesome! They should do the same for oranges and unsliced apples!

I like some of the ideas proposed for NFC technology, especially one not specifically mentioned here "public transportation fare" that would replace existing NFC cards and which could show you your balance when swiped.

I actually find Twitter quite useful for getting information about topics that interest me.

I have never made a Facebook account and I never will. Add this as one more reason I am glad I didn't :)

The "10 hour" and the "7 hour" batteries are the same battery, they are just tested in different ways. On my "10 Hour" battery I got closer to 4.5 hours of use which is not any better than my Dell Laptop. Maybe you are luckier than I am.

Close enough that performance-wise no one will ever notice the difference. Yes.

One dead and 3 injured? Not to make light of a tragic occurrence but if this was GTA that would be about my body count driving from one end of a block to the other...

@Giggity: I don't this is this is a huge departure for Apple, not really. Jobs pushed to have iPads in Walmart stores in order to get the brand out there.

@Bubbsdaddy: Well they were rich before they bought them... :) j/k

Not to over-simplify, but when buying online, pick a processor and then pick a mainboard that is compatible with that processor. Places like list their mainboards by processor compatibility to make it easy. []

You don't have to buy the 3DS and at the moment there is not a compelling reason to if you just want to play games. You could stick with a DS, pick your model (they are all affordable) and then pick from a huge catalog of existing games.

I was thinking that the longer handle would have given the guy more leverage for more powerful swings. That plus the pick-end that fire axes have would have made much shorter work of that window.

Many armors used on tanks and other vehicles could be considered bullet proof since firing standard rounds at them will not penetrate their hulls in any useful amount of time, but nothing is ever really indestructable. Given enough force anything can be penetrated.

There is no such thing as "bullet proof" glass there is only "bullet resistant" glass, and even bullet resistant glass can be penetrated by repeated shots of small arms fire at a single area.

Too bad they aren't doing that any more. Maybe they will start it up again if there is enough outcry over this Verizon iPhone problem, but I think the Internet has pretty much bitched itself out over this issue.

You could pay $30 for Apple's bumper to solve this problem, or you could pay about $2 for an unbranded but identical bumper on eBay.

Someone stating an opinion, even one that is in opposition to the theme of the article is not trolling as long as they do it in a manner that is respectful of other readers.