
Android Widgets are awesome, if you need them. And optional if you don't.

Apple is playing catch up in regards to the fact that the tablets other companies are in the process of releasing each runs a much more capable and useful OS.

Alternatively if you want to prevent mildew from forming on your sponge, when you are done washing up with the sponge rinse it out in hot water, give it a squeeze and then put a couple drops of dish soap onto the sponge before giving it a final squeeze (to work the soap into the sponge).

Not bad, but I wouldn't do this unless my beer was in cans.

I sometimes throw mine into the dishwasher when I wash dishes.

Binder clips have now officially surpassed the wheel as Man's greatest inventions.

Online friends are never really your friends. You don't ever really know anything about them and you have no real opportunities to find anything out.

They will never come into fruition for public use.

We will never ever have flying cars.

No one ever said Apple products weren't attractive. However in terms of their design philosophy I generally fall off the wagon when they start replacing multiple buttons with a single button that requires multiple click in order to perform simple device tasks.

I prefer the version where the word "the" is replaced with "dicks."

Hey! Wikipedia is almost always nearly sometimes just about completely accurate.

Great that they discovered this now, while cell phone technology is still in its infancy....

I would say that this is really the fault of Wintek, the company these people work for, rather than for Apple.

Gee.. so you're saying most Hollywood productions are based on creative that was successful in another media? Damn, the illusion is shattered!

Everyone is "what if" and "shoulda done this" and blah blah-bullshit.

The "Russian Batman" was from Superman: Red Son.

I just don't think the situation will ever get to the point where having one device perform two tasks will ever be as efficient as having two separate devices at least, in this regard. I mean with two devices you have built-in multitasking especially if they can talk to each other to any decent degree.

Who should Apple do business with? What company that makes similar components hasn't had a problem similar to this one at one point or another?