
“I was a public defender. I didn’t become a prosecutor,” he said.

I suspected that any edge he had was gone.  He’s just too old.  Sanders too seemed a bit frazzled (no where near as bad as Biden, but I expected a better performance than I saw).

Biden is foolish for thinking he could go in with his old and tired method of debating. It worked with lightweights like Paul Ryan. It was not going to work with someone like Kamala Harris. She easily outsmarted him.

I didn’t oppose bussing. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education...because racists everywhere, including my constituents and my bros in the Senate, proactively worked towards segregation so the federal government had to get involved to uphold the law because as we all know racists everywhere

This tweet wins everything. I’m dying here.

I disagree. Here is why. An impeachment proceeding in the House is like a long trial where evidence against a defendant is gathered and presented in a clear and convincing manner. Which has not been done yet. It puts the republicans and the senate in the position of being complicit in a corrupt and criminal

She is a bad public speaker. She always has been. It’s is her weakness. If you want to disagree with me, fine. But I think we need something different in the age of Trump. I also strongly disagree with her on impeachment. The democrats look weak because of it.

I guess it’s because Nancy Pelosis called for Al Franken to resign when he was accused of much less.

I didn’t want people to feel sorry for me.....but now I do.”

“Jessica Claire Biel was born on March 3, 1982, in Ely, Minnesota, to Kimberly (née Conroe), a homemaker and spiritual healer” ... I mean... there you go.   

Without Obamas black skin he also would be just another old white guy.

I know a man who refuses to wear anything but cotton, linen or wool clothing. Because he was badly burned, and his polyester clothing melted into his skin.

Yes. In GA Abrams was always considered a more business friendly, on the more conservative side, state Democratic party legislator. She pivoted for the governors race, I think initially as a strategy in the primary where she needed to beat the other Stacey (Evans).

Yea, I very much like Stacey Abrams, and I agree with her on 99% of issues, have donated to her in the past and will throw my support behind any office she wants to run for in the future, but I think she is wrong about this one.

First time I’ve known her to be categorically wrong.

When she tweeted about this last month, she noted that boycotts have actually been successful in the fight for civil rights in the past. Near as I can tell, her argument against it this time is because it would gore her ox.

When the governor made the “c” class comment that should have been enough. Hollywood and entertainment has given plenty to Georgia and it keeps shooting itself in the foot.  Move everything to a more friendly state or bring it back to CA.

I think it is hard to blame companies for not wanting to send their female employees to Georgia. What if, god forbid, one of their pregnant employees miscarries, and these dolts refuse to do an abortion because the fetus “might still be viable”? Or their employee gets charged with murder for miscarrying? Gets raped

Don’t believe everything (read, anything) Chris Kattan writes 

Am I wrong in being extremely weird out about how the article brushes off Amy Heckerling actions? I mean all this criticism of Lorne Michaels is more than valid and he should be call out about it but the article kinds of skips over that all that Kattan alleges happened, did so because Heckerling propositioned him and