
It's mainly the hair, but you're right. 🤔

This is pretty much it exactly.  Would 100% bang Jeff Bridges as Starman, but would 100% not bang E.T. as E.T.

Ditto—Spock is an absolute yes, even potentially as played by Zachary Quinto but that becomes iffy (and not in his Disco incarnation, but that also might be because I am now old enough to be his mom). The point here: Spock the character is sexy but Nimoy brought it HOME.

Thor: Ragnarok is the strongest argument for the Yes team, honestly, no matter your personal orientation.

Take my star...take it deep.

Is Gamora into Sodomy? 

I love how you began and ended with Zoe Saldana.

Yes... wait a minute, no.

Asgardians are pretty folks thats for sure. 

Now playing

I like the assumption that we’ll have any choice in the matter. Any encounter we have with aliens will probably end up more like Ms. Rafferty’s experience than anything remotely pleasant.

and Loki 

Depends: Could I get a quick scan from Bones before boning?

So is Thor (and Valkyrie!).  Also would bang.

I knew someone in college who said he would do it “for the story. I get free drinks for the rest of my life.” We all had a laugh, then we realized he was dead serious. Okay. :)

Superman is an alien, so ya would bang. 

Thank you - and welcome to the commentariat!

Just created an account to say how much I loved this clip. I read, but I never comment. This made me want to , if only to say how after years of skimming this blog, your contributions have always been interesting . 

This is ridiculous. I’m not the biggest Beyoncé fan, but I don’t think old people are the best people to judge whose music is going to endure among the younger generation. Icons are built by the people who loved an artist while they’re young and then pass that love for that artist on to their children. And it seems…