as well as the murder of nine parishioners at the First Baptist Church of Charleston by a white supremacist.
as well as the murder of nine parishioners at the First Baptist Church of Charleston by a white supremacist.
LOVED this recap, but just a quick note: Dany didn’t kill the Dosh Khaleen. She killed the khals, who were in the Dosh Khaleen’s temple... but members of the Dosh Khaleen (the widows of khals) were seen in the crowd outside the burning building.
I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this. I think it’s really important for people to read stories like this.
Chipotle pointy guy. Autism.
Or the plate-soup lady. I just read something today about a lady who is freaked out by standing water: sinks, bathtubs, whatever. Maybe it’s the same issue?
This is my McDonald’s. It’s right by my work, and if I go to McDonald’s, it’s this one. The staff are uniformly pleasant, efficient, and friendly. I have never, ever experienced any kind of rudeness, hostility, or even incompetence from someone at that location. So, yeah. This pisses me off. What is happening?
I love Minnesota. For the most part, it’s a progressive, diverse part of the country, and you get lots of opportunities to get to know people who are different from yourself. HOWEVER, there is a small but obstinate group of holdouts from the past. These are the people who repeated elected Michele Bachmann; who don’t…
Believe Out Loud is an excellent organization. I highly recommend their Facebook page. Gives us progressive Christians a little bit of hope.
Your first paragraph is spot on. It’s actually textbook: called cognitive dissonance theory. It’s one of the most insidious sources of discrimination: my understanding doesn’t match my practice, therefore I must make up beliefs that reconcile the two.
100% Pro-Life! / 100% Pro-Gun!
Oh my God. How many times will something like this continue to happen before we wake the fuck up and TAKE. THE GUNS. AWAY.
Do you? :) Where do we know each other from? Edit: Ha! Figured it out. How’s it going? Haven’t seen you in a long time.
I live in Minneapolis, too, and I admit to having ordered delivery during a snowstorm. Usually it’s because I’m at work and probably couldn’t get to the place and back, with slow driving, during the time I have for lunch. Also it was before I had my 4x4. But yes, I ALWAYS tipped well on those occasions.
Unfortunately, if you take the TARDIS to ancient Rome and then speak Latin, they’ll all think you’re speaking Celtic.
I get checked yearly, and I’m 36. I'm Irish and Scandinavian with pale skin, lots of freckles and moles, but no history of skin cancer. I just want to be safe.
I am so sorry that happened to you. And yeah. Fuck those guys.
OK, you had me worried. Because what is life without hummus? But I get my hummus from Aldi, or alternatively, throw some chickpeas, tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt in my food processor and call it good.
viewers will meet their two teenage daughters, Audrey and Georgia, who are now older than Vili was when he conceived them.
But... but... what happened next?! I'm so hooked...
And seriously, what a cool-looking kid. I hate that this BS is happening to her.