How can you not look at his claymation face without remembering he sucks toes? Because I want to forget and reach that happy place but I can't.
How can you not look at his claymation face without remembering he sucks toes? Because I want to forget and reach that happy place but I can't.
And please add the over-awed fan of David Foster Wallace and Thomas Pynchon, because I think they just spit out some shit ‘cause their heads are so far up their asses.
Add Kerouac to that list, and yep: seeing any of those authors on a guy’s favourites list is, like the stripes on a bumblebee, a gift of warning from mother nature.
Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Bukowski and Jonathan Franzen. If your man’s favourite writer is more than one of the aforementioned Male Demons, you need to take a hard look at the choices you’ve made and the paths you’ve taken.
So, if a guy’s favorite author is Bret Easton Ellis I know to back away.
I know but it’s hard to keep derailers from derailing.
Right? And a car’s express purpose isn’t to kill. Guns exist to kill. Why is that so hard to understand?
Real argument I had with someone-
If someone thinks banning cars is comparable to gun control, then yes, that person should not be driving.
I see a lot of the arguments on FB because I am from a family of gun nuts. On my mother’s side.
I don’t care any more what the reasoning is , we have to try some thing and we have not tried strict gun control yet so lets do it.
If a person intentionally fired a gun and hit four people, then it’s a shooting.
Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure some of GM’s one-issue assholes will be along presently to remind us that an amendment passed 200+ years ago by slave-owning misogynist pricks is more sacrosanct than these lives.
well the shooting happened... on school property... and im sure terrified lots of students... and made them fearful.. to go to school....
Riiight. Well that’s obvs totally cool and ok and different.
Yeah but I like my guns and my son uses them to shoot clay pigeons and I will fight to the death to see that his hobby is protected, so... sorry these kids got shot.*
Obvious troll is obvious.
And of course that Blonde chick on CNN ( something Camerotta?) was just ‘doing her job’ by asking the school rep if they were a “Gun free zone”, implying that this happened bc of too few guns.
Are you related to him? You’re making enough excuses.