Right? I caught the first few minutes of this and of course had remembered some of it from when it happened and when she was released but oh my TODD I had forgotten she already had four kids. Poor things.
Right? I caught the first few minutes of this and of course had remembered some of it from when it happened and when she was released but oh my TODD I had forgotten she already had four kids. Poor things.
Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday
...there’s nothing more emasculating than a woman pulling out her credit card.
That's rich coming from you, MELONS!
They named their child with a name! Not a fruit name! Hooray!
I know it’s not the point of the story, but it makes me feel old as hell that Netflix existed when you were in high school. I was still watching VHS when I was 18!
Believe me, it ends up in our buttcracks too. Always a surprise...😳
Also guilty of this. When my husband hands me back lone strands of hair from every imaginable and unimaginable place, I thank him graciously and place it back on top of my head. Take that, husband.
In all fairness, mineral oil has been extensively studied. It is one of the most effective occlusives and reactions to it are rare.
Uhh... It’s not a dormant power. There’s nothing wrong in leveraging relationships with sex per se. What’s shitty is when that is the ONLY option available to women. Which is how its been for MOST of history- the only thing a woman could offer was her virginity (ownership of sex) to a man, who had purchasing power and…
When you talk about how women should use to gain power over men or using sex as currency, you ignore the fact that women have sex because they like sex, women have sex for their own pleasure, and women are just as sexual as men.
I’m really betting troll on this: self-identified male feminist who talks constantly about a “campus feminist group” (which is rather odd and specific phrasing), has spent quite a bit of time promoting the idea that women should cater to and use heterosexual male desire as a source of power, and otherwise tends to…
Dude, please. You’ve been prattling on about your campus feminist group all goddamn day. Trollololol, you got a bunch of people on Jezebel to pay attention to you and this fake brand of feminism that’s based around gender essentialism.
yes this. I totally agree - love the premise, but you'll never know if something works after just a week or two! (unless you have a major allergic reaction or something the first day). I tried oil cleansing for several months, it didn't seem to make anything worse but wasn't a miracle, but now i do moisturize my face…
Aaagh. While I like the premise of this article, I'm not comfortable with a lot of it. Like another commenter mentioned, demanding antibiotics is NOT the best way to go with a doctor. Demanding anything from a doctor is generally not a good idea. It pisses them off and adds unnecessary time/tests/costs/drugs that…
I'm trying to figure out how I can be viewed as good at normcore rather than bad at fashion.
She's actually supposed to look like Edith Head, but I'll allow it.
This reminded me that Edna Mode is the original cartoon BAMF.