
You don’t generally provide your parents income when applying to med school. Unlike undergrad there generally isn’t a FAFSA where your financial need can be known and there is the possibility of need based grants. Generally everyone take out loans or if lucky parents pay for mortgage sized debt when finished. If

Exactly, if AA were bad for him why does he as an Asian need higher scores to get in than other races? Doesn’t make sense. If it were good for black people, the scores needed wouldn’t be so low, and attendance so poor.

It’s not that simple. Let’s say that for an incoming class, they have 5 asian slots and 10 black slots. Is it really fair if the 6th best asian applicant is more qualified than the 10th black applicant for the asian applicant to not get in while the black one does? Nobody is saying that black people in total are not

I’m not following what connection is between the ethnic background of Mindy Kaling’s love interests on her show and her alleged lack of concern for helping other women advance in Hollywood. Perhaps the reason so many of Jezebel’s readers have responded, “The show is based on her life and she is attracted to White guys

Even if he is a total douche, his point still stands, he was accepted as an under-performing black man into the school. The rest of his application indicated that he was extremely privileged. If the purpose of Affirmative Action is to get underprivileged people into schools/jobs, it should be race and income based,

33 MCAT. Moderate B+ average as opposed to the preferred high B+, we’re not talking about getting in with a 2.0 or anything. Qualified, in other words. Meaning that even if he was telling the truth (and he’s not) he didn’t prove a thing.

Why would he need to duplicate it? It isn’t like my social security number or my residence tell people what race I am. They definitely don’t cross reference that with Census data.

I’m super confused. What documentation would he need to make up to pull this scam? None of the items you mention have racial identifiers on them. His middle name is JoJo. If he looks black in the interview, what awkward white administrator is going to say, I am sorry sir, but I don’t think you are black?

I'm not 100% sure what info SSA has/gives to universities/companies when vetting individuals, but if he applied under one name and noted he also used another, it probably doesn't raise a ton of red flags as long as he doesn't have a record.

Including quotes from the friends and only verifying them from Jackie is amazingly inept. I can’t get my head around that. You are running virtually verbatium quotes, not ‘Jackie says her friend said something to the effect of’ but speech marked QUOTES and you don’t get in contact with the people who said them! Whaa?


2 years ago I thought I wore leggings with a borderline long enough shirt to Ash Wednesday Mass. They weren't leggings. They were footless tights :-/

Happy Birthday!

It’s called being fashionable and knowing how to balance. They love having white on the outside of their bodies, and black inside them.

I’m more offended by Kylie’s well-defined camel toe. How are you gonna sit down in church with denim all up your vulva? OW.

Hi, I live in Seattle and I hand-craft artisanal hatred for it.

Kinda wished she'd hit him. Someone should.

And the misogyny of the day award goes too.....

Also, your sad attempt at comparison is just as bad. Anyone holding a sign in a crowd for an athlete to marry them is not the same as this. A sign in a crowd is not in the athlete's face and probably doesn't even get seen. This was not that.

What an awkward and just...ugh. And then the dude just stands there like, "Eh, funny, right? Right?"

How come the guys who do this always kinda look the same ? The doughy pale body, encased in an unflattering replica jersey, unshaven face, male pattern baldness marching forward like a rampaging army. It's amazing that the babes out there can somehow resist ?