
This was SO GOOD. I want Abbie & Gemma to have their own detective show a la Cagney & Lacey.

That argument of doing it for attention or money is the most bizarre to me. Let’s accuse someone of rape for that sweet sweet rape fame. The things people do to discredit victims and protect rapists never ceases to amaze/horrify me.

I was so struck by Jean’s retelling of what happened to her. It was so matter-of-fact but so painful and sad at the same time. Some of the details really haunt me, I can’t imagine how she must have felt. It takes an incredibly brave woman to speak out like this.

Yeah, I figured either he was making it up or the other guy was just mind-fucking him.

Everyone should watch this if they’re able. Watch this and learn the importance of believing women telling their abuse stories. Watch this and learn how your shaming and “she’s just doing it for attention/money,” narrative makes other victims too scared and ashamed to come forward. Hearing those woman talk about how

Would be great to have a follow up piece on the actual “riding” part, which is what I expected of the article originally. I see tons of people with their seat set too low, changing gears at the wrong time, etc. I’m sure there are some basic tips that even an average rider would find helpful.

Your last point is the most important, if you ask me. Finding out which routes offer you the most protected cycling (bike lanes, paths, etc) go a lot further to build confidence than any amount of gear will. Plus, if you’re commuting to work, you can really shave off the minutes if you know exactly which side streets

I’d also recommend finding a local bike group if you are thinking about riding for fitness. Here in Philly the Bike Club of Philadelphia has group rides nearly every day of the week for everyone from new riders to very experienced.

One thing that many bike owners tend to slack off on is maintenance. It’s actually not that hard to learn the basics of bike maintenance, and doing so will save you lots of money in the future. There are any number of good Youtube videos that will teach you about how your bike works, but there’s no substitute for

Oh man, I don’t get cyclists who use headphones, especially in busy urban areas. I was once on a ride on a thin path and the person in front of me kept swerving back and forth but she had headphones on so she couldn’t hear me. I ended up having to take the risk and pass her. No accidents, luckily.

Hey, leave hybrids alone. I use a hybrid as my commuter bike and it’s great as a low-effort ride that can get some speed while withstanding various types of terrain, like smooth roads and rocky roads and pothole roads! I wouldn’t recommend a road bike for beginners in urban areas since you don’t want to have stability

The police in Seattle have a long-standing problem with excessive use of force paired with racism. Police in Seattle have shot a deaf indigenous man for holding a carving knife (woodworking), beaten Latinx people while making racist comments, etc. For a while, I believe that the SPD were taken over by the Feds. The

Michigan State had a similar trip. They took all the players and their families on an all-expense paid trip to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, for a guided tour of a working steel mill and a hot chocolate at Timmy’s. It was paid for by an anonymous booster who donated an amount said to be “less than $800,000, but still

Did anyone else read the title as “American Horror Story” and get confused at where the horror was or was it just me? I need more coffee...

It’s kind of what you make of it. My pluses:

20 something dude-bros straight out of the frat house and making $200,000 per year can’t help themselves. Its party time bro-heim!1!1!

It’s a tradition for specifically annoying Red Wings fans, which is always a noble goal.

I on the other hand was freaked out because that picture looks like someone superimposed Diana’s face on the face of a balding middle-aged man, and now I can’t unsee it.

I had a few dresses with her brand and a raincoat. Her design team understands women’s bodies, especially those of us who are buxom.

In California, the carpool lane line is a pretty big deal. $271 fine for crossing into/out without a dashed line. It’s a solid white line and two solid yellow lines. Triple reminder not to cross because of this- the speed differential is sometimes huge. If I’m using the carpool lane in heavy traffic, it’s scary, I’m