
Based on strictly anecdotal evidence, I’ve found that the happiness and success of a marriage is inversely proportionate to the extravagance of their wedding.

I’m amazed at how fucking selfish people can be around their wedding.

The sad thing is, most people have one of those stories, yet people continue to do this. Your wedding is not worth more than $400 to anyone but your parents and grandparents, and honestly $400 for anyone under 30 is still too much.

EDIT: I had no idea that other people don’t say “put that up” in place of “put that away.” I have passed on my parents’ oddity to my children. I regret everything.

Yeah - I think a lot of the big spender friends are either not saving any $ or subsidized. They are not necessarily being responsible with their cash.

Too babby.

I think your last point it the best one. My wife and I are kid-less (a conscious choice), and as a both a friend-uncle and a real-uncle, I find that parents who have friends, sisters, and brothers who take a genuine interest in their kids benefit everyone involved.

While this is a very traumatic injury, I’m sure there’s nothing about it that is shocking to a Detroit trauma surgeon. DRH has got to be one of the busier trauma hospitals around.

I’m never going to call myself grateful for being the daughter of an alcoholic, because it’s its own brand of suck, but the end result has been a complete avoidance of alcohol for my whole life. And that I am grateful for. As a society, our dependence on it is kind of mind-blowing to me, and I know, KNOW that had I

I have that same question. I struggle with alcohol use, I *can* have just one drink, but I’m always left wanting another and I don’t usually deny myself. The exception is if I have to drive, but usually then I’ll skip the drink altogether or I just won’t put myself in a situation where I have to drive. So while it

A lot of this article spoke to me. I started drinking early, got arrested several times for drinking early, and amped up my drinking during college and early 20s.

This comment had the potential to devolve into the hottest of takes, but instead it was thought-provoking and fair. Kindly show yourself out. ;)


That’s what I tell people. You teach them a half dozen simple rules - please, thank you, rock solid bedtimes, don’t be a dick - and you repeat, repeat, repeat. I’m liberal as fuck, but raising a child is all about benevolent dictatorships. Early on there is no compromise. I’ve seen the results of hippy parenting, it

Gilbert sounds like the type of guy who leaves out poop dollars for you to pick up.

The greatest prank Dan Gilbert ever pulled was convincing the world that his immature high jinx, and not his predatory loan empire, are his most odious quality.

My time in grad school, as the only female grad student in the History dept., was spent giving “the woman’s opinion” on every issue.

YES! Study after study shows that when women are exactly 50% of a group, or have 50% of speaking roles than people perceive them as taking up more of the room or speaking more than they really do.

“espadrilles on men are just the fucking worst.”