
I gave him a +1 also, but chose to focus on “chucklefuck” I am using that now. But also I agree with the sentiment in general of the post.

I had a relative find herself injured in a freak accident, and even through the shock she was experiencing, she was able to basically chant “DO NOT TAKE ME TO DETROIT RECEIVING.” That was a while ago, and it has changed, but yeah, let’s assume that it’s better now.

DJing the Olympics? Like, ew. Maybe just a casual bout of diarrhea would suffice.

Seriously! I had some of my kids really into Roald Dahl in like first grade (mind you, many of these kids really only had books at school, so this was a little far beyond what they could do themselves). We all had a copy, we would follow along whenever one of us read what we felt like out loud. We discussed it, wrote


I sometimes lack the worldly means to understand things and will not catch on to certain situations, ergo a status as a “dim bulb.”

I love this movie! I thought I was one of 3 people to have seen it outside of New Zealand.

They mail that shit to us! No excuses. I just drop it off in a box by my library.

I sure hope so. I am on Obamacare, and I worry that they won’t allow for the birth control measure to pass if we get a certain fried shithead as president, so might as well get that new one popped in while its (kind of) free.

Amen, friend. Amen.

I know for a fact I would not be admitted to the school I went to now...THESE TIMES ARE A-CHANGIN’ for large public universities that get MAD MONEY from the outta state millionaire kids.

Hey, I lived at home after finishing grad school for a bit while I worked a new job. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to move and what I wanted to do, so my parents weren’t going to charge me rent or charge me to break my lease, so it was all good. Plus, I won’t lie, having your mom cook for you still is really nice. She

GOT A CHIP ON YOUR SHOULDER, BRUIN?!?!?! Just kidding, I went to a school that shits on a lot of other schools, but like, idk, we kinda earned our accolades so shit away, I say.

We got MANY rubber ducks. MANY. And just casually kept leaving them in exciting locations around our school. No one got hurt and the end of the day saw a GIANT box full of ducks in the office. Just silly and fun!

Do you call USC University of Spoiled Children too? I had a friend from LA who did this, I say, CLEVER.

She can still be honored because she is an amazing woman deserving of all the honors. Why stop at one honor for Missy? She is a highlight of dirty south hip hop as well as being a breakthrough woman in hip hop. Also she rapped about shaving her cho-cha before you invite a sexy man over, something I sing to myself in

Please PLEASE put Jean Grae in there, VH1. Also basically second all these women. This is going to be my favorite HHH of all time, or a huge disappointment. The tribute to the Dirty South was alright, except less Paul Wall next time.

Animaniacs is on Netflix..........

Right? Everyone told me it would be very dramatic and cliquey and it was the actual opposite. Just a bunch of doofuses not shaving our legs and growing up making the most amazing friendships.

I went to an all girls high school, and over a decade later, those wackos are still my ride or die, drop everything for each other, Earl Had To Die-type friends. I cherish them more than they will probably ever know. Plus a couple of us are also only children and we just stick together. Not competitive in school, we