Sluicer's ghost

One ejaculation at a time won't cut it. Sorry.

But don't Republicans have solid reasons to love Bernie? Like you know, because him they might beat (and the polls out this far on that subject are meaningless...).

Which episode of the Simpsons was it that framed that question so elegantly. You know, the one where the aliens take over Bubba Clinton and Bush the Elder's bodies.

A lovely sentiment. But it should be noted that without a Democratic Congressional majority it is going to be virtually pointless. I hope that people keep that in mind and get active on behalf of the House/Senate races.

That is a winning plan, at least until they move on to used toilet paper.

A good tactic. Futile, but good. For me, this is all just my quadrennial entertainment so I can say any asshole thing that comes to mind.

No sonny, the only thing the Boomer gen (me and mine!) gave the world that is of any value is the internet. Oh, and Reagan, Bush, mountains of dead Muslims too.

Do those details include how he is going to turn Congress to a Democratic majority. And by majority, I mean "super-majority", because without one, he might as well be promising to build Warp-capable starships.

You support Bernie? Ahhh, I wondered who changed his Depends. Good to know.

But not surprising. He is a gadfly/opportunist... full stop.

Truth. Bernie is, like the state he is from, whiter than white.

He subscribes to the Mittron 2012 tax reporting requirement.

Read: I don't understand how to fill in a 1040

Releasing tax returns is a pro forma thing... and frankly, if he is all he says he is, would make him look good. But then, just maybe he is hiding something.

Bernie will lose the general. Again: HE. WILL. LOSE. Don't believe what The Atlantic and other outlets write... the Repos can be very effective if properly motivated, and let me tell ya, the idea of having an old, white, socialist Jew as president is highly motivating.

No, it is not that fucking hard, but it is hard fucking.

You make that sound like a bad thing.

Oh no, if Bernie is the Demo nominee President Cruz will get his entire agenda through congress... Personally, I plan on opening an abortion clinic at all major border crossings....

God loves you for that, and your flip phone too.

More than that... I have fuckin' spent the last 40 years putting people out of work by designing and implementing technology. Their parents cannot make their mortgage payments because of first gen technoids like me!!!!