Sluicer's ghost

I am grey.

As invective goes, it was always pretty weak. Hey! Try: "That's weak!"

Does cunnilingus make me non-vegan?

I love Kris... but sadly am age appropriate for her, so my love for the Bitch-Goddess will go unrequited (also, I am poor)

Loved the graphic for this article; however, one thing... if "they" can clone people why on earth would they have to dump bodies in the desert? Regardless, I expect that by the century's end the film series "Matrix" will have become a religion.

Well, if they name it after OJ, then the kids will get away with murder.

And the Repos have a lock on state level "incubators" (read: masturbators)

Yes! Fidel is ready to serve.

The party needs to bring up young talent NOW.

Was that a typo? Booker, or Hooker?

Fidel is too old, but maybe Raul. Yeah.

The photo accompanying the post has me wondering what face she makes when she has an orgasm. I mean, she has orgasms, right?

Bill Clinton!!!!! Go full House of Cards.

No, he is not the Zodiac Killer... he is the Trashbag Killer who did his work (but cleaned up the bodies by putting them in garbage bags) in SoCal back in century past.

Obama is a hypocrite and traitor to the black community for not getting marijuana taken off the schedule 1 list of drugs.

From the photo I though it was about oral sex.

Oh come on! what is the worst she can do? Invade somewhere?

Says something about the Sanders demographic however.

Oh, so you know Newt? Hastert?

That's not eating, that is practicing fellatio.