Sluicer's ghost

Shhh they will silence you for talk like that.

And it is like people who think the internet represents the voting public.... same idea writ larger.

Buy a lottery ticket friend, ‘cause you have the third sight for sure.

No, not drunk.... first you smoke up and THEN you drink. And then you go on line and spout the Bernie line.

You expected her to blindly froth over how wonderful a senator Bernie is for supporting the NRA, is from a rich version of West Virginia, has done nothing in congress except declare that he is a "socialist" and on and on and on... AMIRITE? Name one thing of note Bernie has done that is real and substantial. Just one.

GoldenMama I am lovin' you!

“The Slot" sounds sexual. Just sayin'

HAHAHAHA great one

That looks like a great product, but will it make my wife want to get it on in the morning?

That looks like a great product, but will it make my wife want to get it on in the morning?

You can bring dogs to games!?!?!?! Awesome! But can they do their business on the field?

Having sex with Charles literally took years off of her life sadly.

Word has it she used it to wipe her lady bits after relieving herself... no mere paper for a princess who prefers polyester pampered pudenta

It is an Egyptian colostomy bag?

But not a slightly used website?

But not a slightly used website?

Hey!!! I'm looking for a Kinja deal on a slightly used website? Got anything?

Hey!!! I'm looking for a Kinja deal on a slightly used website? Got anything?

Hypocrisy from these politicians? Shocking!

Interesting, Uber rapes the established taxi industry; their drivers rape the passengers.

This is the 2016 cycle’s version of the delusion they held about Romney, which is best exemplified by Karl Rove’s on-air inability to grasp that Mittens had lost.

I am guessing he wasn't in court because of that last name of his... So yeah, I have no clue who this guy is and I am so uninterested, lazy and willfully proud of my ignorance that I will not Google him. However, my guess is that he's some kind of rapist.... just a guess.

No. No one save RiRi could wear them and look great.