
I miss seeing her weekly. What a gem.

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This can never be posted enough... (@1:48)

My intense hatred for Megyn Kelly felt irrational until I saw John Oliver’s clips over her on Sunday and then I felt fully justified and pleased with my visceral disgust.

what does Robert Redford mean when he said - I am not a feminist? and why do these people go on her show? don’t they know who she is???

Republicans really embody that “lesser of two evils” phrase.

This is a very strange way of going about it but I’m 100% serious when I say, hey, whatever works. It’s a great initiative.

Fittingly, the face of the campaign is Gay/New York Icon and “Queen of the Club Kids” Susanne Bartsch.

She said she used the word “tranny” not knowing it wasn’t cool to say. And before that word became an insult, a lot of people used it.

Oh, noooo, I’m not just talking about that. She’s found something new:

No, it’s your attitude

I worry about both of them. I personally think that appearing on the show at such a young age really messed up the Jenner girls especially Kylie.

Right? They were RAISED on that show. They weren’t even old enough to give any consent/interest (as far as a small child can really consent to working). They churned out their movies and shows and appearances in a huge way. I in no way blame them for not wanting to come back for what would only be nostalgic benefit.

They seem to have washed their hands of show business altogether. I don’t know why they get snark for living their lives how they want.

The sad truth is that Trump supporters genuinely believe that he’s absolutely crushing it and will rattle off a list of his legislative victories to support their belief.

The Associated Press does report that local officials have “praised” the Trump administration’s response

I don’t know who said it first, but basically no matter how humanity decides to screw itself, mother earth will be just fine.

I had a coworker who flaked on enough plans and spent enough nights at the bar texting on her phone that we aren’t friends any more. Cut those people out of your life. It’s lonely, but it’s better than being lonely and offended.

ugh yes it’s so hard! Like the hubs also tries to do stuff around the house (general household stuff like laundry and dishes, since he’s useless at cooking) but will also text me at like 3 PM on a Tuesday that he’s laying down to take a nap. Which, good for you, but also wouldnt that time be better spent applying for

Seriously, I need a box of these awkward holiday cards

She does this thing pretty often. I usually just brush it off and try to remember I’m an adult, but this definitely has me feeling some sort of way.