
I’ve truly enjoyed watching Chelsea’s passion for politics develop and grow in the last year or so (maybe 2 yrs?). Her candor seems genuine and I think she’s had a positive impact (she got a lot of people to register to vote, if I recall correctly). I’m really looking forward to following her on this new venture and

When I lived in LA, I saw her once at Katsuya in Brentwood. I broke LA decorum and said hi. She was very gracious and we chatted for a few minutes. There’s no point to this story, honestly. I just think she’s great and I hope that the force she puts behind EMILY’s List adds to the good in this world. That’s all.

“Then, according to the father, Trump never sent the check. ?!?!? “The check has been sent,” White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said in a statement “

That’s super-unfortunate, especially because it sounds like a lot of what was discarded was non-perishable items, which are really great for food banks, etc., because they don’t have to worry about giving them away before they spoil.

Yeah, that was shocking in her usual, “Did she REALLY say that??” way.

I’ll say it: I like Taylor Swift. I like this persona. I like that she’s taking the snake thing on. You fuck up IRL and everyone find outs and calls you out on it — own it. They just gave you new material for your next era.

The people defending her get it. The endless comments talking about how “over her” they are, not so much. Taylor Swift seems to be the epitome of “have fun with your thinkpieces, but I’m laughing all the way to the bank” and although an unpopular opinion, I LOVE her for it. Also, the author is and has repeatedly

Justice for what, a show being cancelled because the premise of the show no longer exists. Not to mention, how does suing the entire family for the actions of a person in it make sense. Sue rob fine, but how do you sue the whole family for battery.

It all just comes across as drama seeking money grabbing. If this was

THESE people made you hate the letter K? These -nothings- of people? THEY’RE the ones?!?

well, he is dead.

How else to make the show? You can either make a reality show cashing in on your relationship or end the relationship. You can’t really do both.

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

Alas, I have to quote former Speaker of the House fellow orange brother of Trump, John Boehner: “Remember, impeachment is not a legal process, it’s a political process.”

Now, don’t be disgusting.

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

WUT. No. This is not a thing. I refuse to live in a world where hygiene is a homosexual slur.

Oh, Angel; you’re back again. Now...

Oh, and he was in the Phillipines this week praising tyrant ‘murder drug users without trial’ Duterte for being tough on crime. Which, given his whole abusing-his-position-as-a-deputy-to-extort-sex thing, is kind of relevant.

Are we supposed to believe that Bob Weinstein had absolutely no indication that his brother a s business partner were toxic before the NYT article? Bullshit.

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.