
Still waiting for those that were so offended that Obama sullied the office of the presidency be wearing a tan suit to call out Trump for using such language at a public event.

I’ve always believed that Trump is quite stupid. I’m now beginning to seriously consider the fact that he’s Bat Shit Crazy.

I’m going hiking tomorrow morning, but I also still plan to go for a run on Sunday morning. Thanks for inquiring after my exercise routine. It’s nice to know you care.

So you’re like Jimmy Kimmel: a silly person confronted with the uncomfortable reality that you can’t be silly right now. Except you’re not stepping up like he is, you’re crying like a baby about how you miss the silly times. Grow the fuck up.

I’ve been here since the Black Table days, and the early Deadspin days when a lowlife like me couldn’t comment. Now I can. I love this place. Sure, it keeps changing. But you know who didn’t embrace change? The Saturday Evening Post. They died in the 1960s. It was once one of the most popular reads in the country. It

Nobody cares why you in particular read Deadspin. Nobody cares why I read Deadspin either. Once you come to that realization you’ll understand much better how this all works.

Your citation is three years old.

“I just want to read about sports, not bullshit world affairs and political nonsense.”

Sorry Queen B...but you used someone else his voice singing his song...that is Kardashian level of stealing. 4 seconds, 6 seconds or 2 min. Or just using the tune...its all stealing.

I’m obsessed with Beyonce but I hate when she does shit like this and the Challenger debacle in “XO.”

Rich people stay rich by not spending their money on trivial things, such as service-industry tipping or compensating artists for their creations

I may be wrong, but I believe Mya passed before the song was created. Full disclosure I am a huge Beyoncé fan but it would have meant a lot if she had first reached out to someone in mya’s family or kin in some way prior to release.

I understand that the lawyers’ job is to deny and downplay in attempts to minimize or negate a pay out, however if anyone attempted to monetize images or 6 sec clips of Beyonce without compensation there is not a planet on which they would consider that “fair use”. I’m sure they will come to a reasonable settlement.

I love her but she’s dead wrong here.

Not a good look for Bey IMO. $20mm may be a lot, but significantly co-oping another (LGBT) artist’s work in your most-played song without any “hey i think ur great would love to work with u on this song” is kind of outrageous.

Not gonna lie, I had this coworker who would show up to work and throw a fit if you made him do something before he got his coffee. He would literally pout and say “Can you wait until I get my coffee first?”. He acted like not having his coffee was an excuse to not work yet. I called him out on that bullshit all the

Jerks have been around making excuses for their behavior since the dawn of time. Your boyfriend’s problem isn’t coffee. And coffee can be made at home and drunk out of a mug. Excessive refuse is the result of a choice to buy expensive take out caffeinated beverages. Don’t blame the coffee bean!

Okay, but that’s like, just your opinion, man.

Are we really going to pounce on MJH for expressing disappointment over a missed vacation? We know Dominica will be/is devastated by Maria but she’s allowed to have that reaction. Jesus, people are so fucking quick to jump down someone’s throat when they don’t immediately express sympathy/sorrow/pledges to help. She

I’m pretty sure gay men are the best people to write about gay men sex parties. Would you say “Why is it always women writing about women’s issues, I’d really like a man’s perspective.” or “Why is it always black people writing about black issues, we could really use a white perspective.”?