
Okay so this is old anecdota, but while my ex was getting his Masters at Harvard in the 80s, my experience with the law school students I knew was that they were actually a pretty laid back bunch. Unlike some of the other graduate programs coughbusinesscough.

So, I met a guy at a book club last month, and in the chit-chat beforehand, we talked about how his kid is just finishing up with his first year of law school (I am an attorney, 3/4 of the people in the room were either attorneys or spouses of attorneys, it was a natural topic). We went through about four rounds of

The best part about fucking up on hotel rooms is that we’re talking about someone heavily involved with hotels. Maybe they just assumed that his name in the industry was enough? Maybe they thought that, like L. Ron Hubbard, there is space saved for him wherever he goes, whether he actually goes there or not? I have

These are actually anti-capitalism protests, rather than anti-Trump protests. Although, given how self-involved that manbaby is, he probably thinks they’re all about him anyway, I guess...

The fact that no one booked hotel rooms is AMAZING to me. Like what a perfect representation of how awful this government is.

If you had millions of loans tied to Russian banks run by Putin, and had been laundering money for him and his gang for decades in order to secure those loans, and if your election to POTUS was due to Putin tampering with the US election and having our voting machines hacked, you’d be puckering up too.

Look at this pathetic asshole. He’s been yanking the arms off every leader in the world but look how he treats Putin.

Meanwhile, there are huge protests happening throughout the city right now. So big, in fact, that the Independent is reporting Melania Trump is trapped in her hotel room (or, Senate guest house room)

A photo of a woman on her knees cleaning = support for Trump. I guess she’s staying on brand..

I just read this on the NYT site, and jumped over here. Are you effing kidding me? This is the president of the United States? Just when I think nothing could shock anymore, the vulgarity, the crassness, and violence reach new and more degraded lows. I’m so embarrassed for all of us.

Wasn’t expecting an open thread, but I’ll take it.


I also think the media only reports on her “diva ways.” You aren’t hearing anything in the media about her moving tribute to a mega fan who died in the bombing in Manchester, or the fact that she took her nephew under her wing after her sister fell to prostitution and drugs and put him through Harvard Law School (and

Totally inane rant that I need to get off my chest: my boyfriend and I are looking at engagement rings. I’m the type of person that, when I’m looking for something like jewelry or clothes, I am completely meh about everything until I find the one thing I love, and then I’m just done and know that’s what I want. I had

Ok. So a person that is repeatedly unprofessional, can no longer perform tasks that put them in demand, requires an obnoxious amount of perks, is unable to uphold contractual obligations, AND is allegedly intoxicated on the job most of the time is repeatedly adored on this site.

At this point, isn’t anyone who hires Carey for a cameo doing it more for the publicity caused by her inevitable fuckup or diva antics than to get a cameo appearance out of her? Why didn’t he get Lilo a role too while he was at it?

...such as....?

Team Will Ferrell. Even when he’s saying something that’s not complimentary he manages to seem really nice. Also I loathe lateness.

Andy Cohen is the master. His interviews are actually interesting!