
Beyonce does this remarkable thing where she will pre-record a DIFFERENT version of herself singing the songs and then perform to that. So you think she’s live, but really it’s just a different run through that she’s lip syncing to. See: Love On Top when she announced her first (also questionable?) pregnancy.

I’m all for letting her speak. The more she defends the indefensible, the more she reveals her true nature and the more she can be judged for her words and deeds. We already know she’s a shallow, litigious, hypocritical, gold digging plagiarist and grifter who came to this country under shady circumstances, thinks

But she doesn’t. She uses backing tracks, usually she doesn’t even bother lip syncing while they run.

Now playing

We all know Britney isn’t a gifted singer. She’s hardly a gifted dancer, basically pantomiming versions of the same 5 dance moves from the beginning of her career and prancing around the stage. She’s a product. She’s performance art.

Kylie Minogue. Singing and moderate dance movement no syncing. All the strenuous stuff is done by the back up dancers. No stress on her so she can belt it out live.

But it’s still cool if I play air guitar, right?

but he is not cyber bullying, he is defending himself.

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.

Trump is a scumbag. Period. He might be the worst person who ever lived. That this will inevitably be turned into some left/right tit-for-tat is the clearest demonstration of the fact that his country is not worth saving.

So tell me how I am wrong then. Does not the Catholic Church go in to large parts of rural Africa and tell women their greatest accomplishment is birthing babies? Time Magazine did an article on that. As well as the shunning of birth control. National Geographic did an article about the Catholic Church in rural China

The Catholic Church has the biggest grift of all time. Pray to God, give the man “representing” him money and maybe you will go to heaven. If you give him more however, you are upping your chances. A religion with the largest wealth ever amassed and yet they tell their people to live in poverty, tithe and just be

I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,

I had no idea Matt was so young (and I always assumed the creator was a woman) and I’ve been reading his tumblr for a very long time. I really miss the glory days of Lindsay and Paris getting out of cars, legs akimbo and free-vaginaing it. Celebs getting arrested all over the place. T-MOBILE SIDEKICKS. Also the perfect

I’m sure some people looking to sell their shitty homes stumbled upon this and complained to Zillow about it.

Anyone who ignores your direction deserves to get bit.

Is it naive of me to think that Azalea didn’t actually mean it in the shady way? In context of the quote, it sounds to me like she’s using it straight i.e. “She and I are not familiar with one another as human beings, vs. “She’s not famous enough for me to know who she is.”

Doesn’t make what she said any less stupid.

LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! JK but Britney is actually an amazing performer, which Igloo is not...

They cover both sides of an issue. It’s outrageous.

Martha is still cuter than every single pug that has ever lived. #comeatmebro