
Wait - so they are arresting people who were illegally trafficked here? As in, people who are the victims of trafficking are being arrested for being here illegally when the real criminals are the people who trafficked them???

Skip it & go do something you enjoy. Don’t feel bad about it. Obligatory ‘holidays’ piss me off. That’s what I’d do but I’m also an asshole ;)

I served on 3 juries and the level of crazy inside a jury room is astounding. In one, a law student proceeded to retry the whole case, pointing out all of what she thought were errors made with evidence. Was she right or wrong? No one knew, and no one knew whether to ask the judge if this was allowed. (I sure

**Taylor is cunning and petty and she plays the long game.**

Of course she’s had work done. Plenty of it. You couldn’t possibly think otherwise!

Really? You think eyebrows are normally that high? (She’s had a ton of work done.)

I got torn to shreds on the original article for mentioning that Mathers single handedly discouraged countless people from going to the gym - because I was supposedly “diminishing” the assault.

“I am sorry that it happened to this woman.” She makes it sound like a random act of God, something beyond her control. And she thinks there is animosity because she was a Playmate, mean people are just hating on the pretty girl...with a personality like that you’re not pretty, the ugly inside shines through. What a

As a fat guy who goes to the gym all the time, watches what I eat, and generally wants to be ripped, I feel so terrible for that woman who was the victim of the assault Dani Mathers perpetrated on her. Going to the gym, and the locker room even more so, is not about mocking those who aren’t as perfectly fit, and


The good news is that like all of us, Dani Mathers is destined to get older, and heavier, and wrinklier. I hope she experiences Cronenberg levels of body horror about it, though.

Oh, boy, the Fyre Festival of urban housing.

Even the super stupid ones are perfect for Gossip Girl. Can’t you see Disraeli Caesar, the dark and brooding heir of a shipping magnate who plays by his own rules but guards a secret hurt?

This is EXCELLENT and I will be spending the rest of my lunch break ruminating on mine. I will report back!

Unrelated, but I came up with a process of generating Gossip Girl names that I’m VERY proud of: for your first name, you pick the last name of a British prime minister and for your last name, you pick a salad. Thus: Blair Waldorf. (My Gossip Girl name would be Thatcher Cobb.)

You know, I don’t hate the idea of a Universal Dark Universe and bringing back these old titles that made them as a studio. I just wish that they really took advantage of the opportunity and made truly contemporary versions of these classics. Tap into the original themes and give them to directors who thrive on small

Somewhere, Nicole Kidman is reading this and cackling.

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

I could care less what Melania wears, but as a former “luxury” clothing salesperson, I can say without a doubt that D&G is only popular because of marketing, and definitely not because of quality. Not only did we get way more D&G returns than any other brand, but a lot of their stuff visibly looked shitty. It was

The clothes are just bad and Melania is basic with no personality. The only interesting thing about Melania is Laura Benanti’s impersonation of Melania.