
“Nice: Chris Christie has a 15 percent approval rating, the lowest of any New Jersey governor ever.”

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.

And I think it’s absolutely precious how you can’t conceive of being capable of taking in other people’s ideas and accepting or rejecting them based on their merits.

If you need someone to blame, maybe start here instead.

I loved how Republicans response to the Kathy Griffin bit was to clutch their pearls so tightly their knuckles turned white and hound the offender out of the public eye, but when faced with actual violence (Greg Gianforte) they happily voted the guy into office.

LOL WUT. I’m no fan of Kathy Griffin and think what she did is dumb, but this shit’s a hell of a reach. Pretty sure the Twinkie defense is on stronger ground than whatever the hell this is.

If you think Kathy Griffins stupid act is what motivated this, you are delusional. You really think it was the Kathy Griffin beheading photo that gave this guy the inkling to go to the field and shoot Government officials? Man that’s just a bad take .

If Giffords didn’t do it nothing will.

Guns for all! Health care, not so much!

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

If she would actually push him hard to defend his positions and present actual certifiable facts that counter his BS, then maybe, *maybe*, I could see the journalistic value of this (though I’d still think it was a bloody stupid idea to give this asshole a platform and legitimize him).

That’s some BULL. SHIT.

I’m late to tonight’s social, so I really hope someone sees this. I’m 37 years old and went back to college full time last year to finish my degree, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Women’s Studies.

I always try to post early to SNS and end up missing it every week *shrug*. Here’s an update on my baby Catalina:

Don’t feel bad for blocking creepers.

She sounds like an asshole. She probably thought you were playing the female card and turned on you. If she was that bad in an interview you don’t want to be reporting to her each 5x a week.

Please post this everywhere.

I am really, really sorry, but I just ran across this and hoped it would dissipate from my brain a little if I shared it. I’m just sorry.

About to board a plane. Something snapped in me this weekend and I have come to the conclusion that I can’t be happy and still be in contact with my family. Having a constant IV drip of gin isn’t viable, and i’m already tearing up at the thought of walking away from the one relative who hasn’t hurt me. Staying in