Or you know a giant paycheck, a bunch of expensive ass gifts & more attention for your reality television career? Why are we pretending this was even a little bit real?
I hope we get to that point as marriage slowly moves from the utopical “till death do us part” paradigm toward a “eh, let’s do this while it makes sense for both”.
I mean, Kim’s rationale for getting married sounds like the rationale of many women I know. There’s still a lot of societal pressure to “settle down” and I feel like at least half the marriages I’ve seen have been less about the partnership and more about feeling like you’re a real adult now that you’ve reached that…
Ivanka Trump still has no idea idea how disgraced her family is. After this is all over, no one of any merit will want any thing to do with her, and she will feel it. She’ll have a scarlet “T” on her chest, so while she’s in her oblivious Marie Antoinette phase, let her tweet out instructions for us all to have…
This. She was a fucking *mechanic* and military truck driver during WWII while she was still a princess. This has always been my favorite bit of trivia about her.
Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.
I count 138 characters. If he had replaced “w/” with “with”, it would have been 140 exactly. It seems almost intentionally disrespectful to use an abbreviation like that; why the odd informality unless it doesn’t really matter?
There used to be a recurring column on Gawker by people who work in the restaurant industry. If you read it you’d realize there are people out there who don’t even know what eggs are, let alone that ricotta is cheese. There are a lot of folks out there who have lived very, very narrow existences. Also, celebrities…
Which fine, if you’re a vegan and find dairy offensive, that’s your prerogative but it’s also on YOU to ask if there is milk in something (rage directed at him, not you).
Taught at the Smith-founded private school, most likely connected to $cientology.
Well I Found The Problem: They Don’t Capitalise Every Letter On The Restaurant Menu
Clearly There Was No Way To Read This
Something tells me reading isn’t his strong suit, going by the times I have heard him speak.
I’m assuming getting “kicked out” means needing to leave at the allotted check-out time, and that “spiking” pancakes with cheese just means he didn’t read the menu properly.
Seriously? That is really fucked up. Meetup is a great resource. Is there any way you can appeal to them about the blocking?
Jaden Smith Doesn’t Know Ricotta Cheese Is Cheese. He Is An Embarrassment To Humanity.
Ricotta is cheese, read the menu, you idiot.