
It looks to me as though you have been trying to participate in social situations that just aren’t a good fit for you. Social media is pretty impersonal in my opinion, fine for seeing pictures of your friends’ babies/grandchildren but as a true connection it doesn’t work.

You are so not alone. Another poster brought this same thing up on another Saturday night social thread a few months ago, and let me tell you, the responses were many and long. The consensus is - it’s not you, it’s adulthood. And it’s also not personal - it’s also the unintentional self-focus and family-focus of

I’m struggling with the same problem. I got rid of social media years ago, but it was okay because I was in a relationship. Then that relationship fell apart and I lost a lot of friends (I moved here to be with her—most of my friends were her coworkers, Anyway, I recently decided to take a break from

OK. Nothing is wrong with you, you just haven’t found your tribe yet. Personally, I’d also rather have no friends than trying to constantly win the approval of Shiny Bitches.

I did what you did (deleted all social media) and it was painfully refreshing to see that, yes, all of this was just fake. None of these people cared about me. Outside of Facebook events and tagging each other in Facebook photos, would anyone just call or text me to hang out without any social media performing? The

I think the media revolution has changed so many things. How fast news travel, who can produce breaking news, how me mobilize, how we protest, how we “band together”. I liked to think democracy was stronger for it but after November I’m not so sure.

I’m the same as you only with none of the redeeming qualities, I have to say it all comes down to luck. I “lucked”(or I unlucked depending on your pov) into getting a relationship that got me a kid it ended horribly but I still got a daughter out of it though. And my only true friend was my bunk mate from boot camp

I have always felt like I’m just on the outside of something. Like there’s a secret, hidden world that others have access to that I just can’t reach. Anyway, just wanted to say that you’re not alone. And if you want to get bangs, you should! The end. By me.

It does. It so, so does. It seems like we aren’t alone though, so from one internet stranger to another, thanks for your response and for helping me feel a little less lonely today.

I know what you mean. If I don’t reach out, I don’t really hear from people. It sucks.

only wanted to say there are probably more people than you know that are in the same boat as you. me for one. my phone only gets wrong number texts or telemarketers or debt collectors. I drive a lot for work and always think how nice it would be to have somone to talk to on the long drives and cant think of one person

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. I’m in basically the same boat- I donyhave any friends to grab brunch with (a very LA friend past time, from what I gather), or to call on rough days. And I’m not a shitty person or even a very closed-off person. I’ve spent so much time mulling over why I don’t have close

I don’t know if anyone will see this (which is too fitting, considering what I’m about to say), but here goes.

I don’t have any friends. I don’t know how to connect with people, and I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s just something in my personality, something about me as a person, that people don’t really care to

Cemetery walks are cool. A soothing balm for a raging mind.

I was just dumped by my boyfriend after being together for six years so I’m just getting into online dating and it is hella rough. I don’t like it. I’m so much more comfortable in person but online is like the way to go now.

Congrats, that’s incredible! As a Californian, I can’t really imagine a day when I’ll be able to afford a house here. I’ve thought about leaving but I’m limited to the coasts/liberal states...which tend to be expensive.

Hey Jezzies! This has been a sunny holiday weekend in France so happy times, what are you all happy about ?

So remember the guy I said I had a crush on from work? Then I got on a dating website and was hating it because I can’t deal with rejection? Well. Today I matched with the guy from work. And I’m like “Is this awesome or is this awkward?” I’m saying awesome. I liked him with a green heart and now I’m waiting to see if

My first thought, as well. In a world where ICE shitheads would sit down, order a meal, eat the meal, then arrest the very people who made and served them their food, it doesn’t pay for anyone who feels threatened for their race or religion to stick around in a situation like this. It is absolutely not impossible in

These shenanigans could probably all have been avoided if Germany didn’t export his grandparents lol