No, they are they HGTV folks who are secret bible thumpers and belong to a church that hates the gays, but they don’t talk about that. Also, he thinks he’s fricken hilarious.
No, they are they HGTV folks who are secret bible thumpers and belong to a church that hates the gays, but they don’t talk about that. Also, he thinks he’s fricken hilarious.
Next up.....Chip decides to run for public office.
I’m feeling sorry for people who didn’t click through.
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
First off I love the song but what i really love is the resurgence Daddy Yankee has had in the past month. First a funny twitter meme about him, now this? Brings me straight back to the simpler times of 2003.
Sucky attempt at a Real Housewives tagline, GP. 1/10 speaking of, what’s your favorite tagline? Sonja is killing me with her “there’s nothing grey about my gardens” tagline this season.
I’m gonna guess not many folks were looking at the socks. In fact, I had to scroll back up to make sure once I saw you mentioned them.
I go back and forth with this one. On one hand I thinks she’s absolutely in on the joke and doesn’t give a shit because she’s finally free of her mother’s clutches and she’s gonna do whatever the hell she wants. On the other hand I do worry a little that there’s a cry for help hiding under all that thirst and I want…
Ariel’s thirst traps are so blatant I am not even mad, I actually find them pretty amusing.
Points for honesty. They should make him the official face of the GOP with that phrase running on loop.
Senator Jim Lankford (R-Oklahoma) was speaking to Chuck Todd about the CBO report this afternoon. When Todd asked him about CBO’s esitimate that 23 Million people would lose healthcare under Trumpcare, his response was (and I had to rewind to make sure I heard it correctly) “That really doesn’t bother me”
Did you grow up in the NY-NJ area? Because yeah, everyone who grew up there who has two brain cells to rub together remembers since at least the 1980s what a stupid, useless shit Trump was/is. Along with his entire family, ex or current. He was a joke back then, and he’s a vastly more dangerous joke now.
Trumpies have convinced themselves that almost everyone in the country is in on a conspiracy against him. Probably all being paid by George Soros too. They’re not all economically anxious, they’re not all racist, but they are all, without exception, fucking morons.
Just like the abusers, he always spins himself as a victim and lawyers up. He is not under attack. America is and he is the fucking perpetrator.
Yeah I am inclined to give Tyra the benefit of the doubt at the moment. It takes a certain kind of famewhore to not only go on a reality show, but to then do an act based on the birth of their child on said reality show.
The description of that song is so horrible. I imagine they wanted to bring back the hook off the stage from Vaudeville shows.
More to the point, are they really trying to tell us that this took place in front of them and they did nothing, although it was “obviously” horrible for their child?
I don’t know if I believe this - TyTy is often horrible but I don’t get her being physically abusive to a child.
THANK YOU. Ya’ll need to stop with these “poor Melania” fantasies. She’s Eva Braun. She walked in eyes wide open. She is no one’s victim.
Prenup with a non-disclosure agreement.