No joke, that Paper portrait of Manson as the best Creepy Mickey was my FB profile pic for ages. One of my all-time faves and appreciated by many. Iconic is the truth.
No joke, that Paper portrait of Manson as the best Creepy Mickey was my FB profile pic for ages. One of my all-time faves and appreciated by many. Iconic is the truth.
Look, I like Spicer about as much as the next person on this site but at least he read to the kids. In the past it would have been the President and the First Lady to do the honors. Trump couldn’t even be bothered. So, I know that’s a pretty low bar but this is the Trump’s administration. Not being a hat tossing…
You brought up a white example specifically and you mentioned that this black killer was the wrong color. So yes, that is definitely bringing up white people. Let’s not be obtuse.
Black shooters get taken alive all the time. Both of the DC snipers, for instance. Why are you making this about race? Can’t you just criticize the black murderer without bringing up white people as a way to deflect?
I don’t know how it happened. I am starting to like Katie Perry. This is the darkest timeline. It’s as if somebody went back in time to change the future and now we’re stuck like this.
great bill. i’m sure the catholic church lobby will be there to push back against it.
Republican state lawmaker compares first and greatest Republican president to Hitler.
He’s right: the Civil War was unnecessary. The South didn’t need to use slave labor and could have abolished it. The South didn’t need to form and army or an ad hoc government. They didn’t need to make a terribly backed currency or try and be an independent country.
I honestly hope he follows through on this strategy. It will result in several lawsuits almost immediately. Those subsidies are written into the ACA. He’s president, not the king. He can’t pick and choose which laws he wants to follow. Democrats need only sit back, point and laugh. It’s one more example of his…
What does it say about me that I thought that the Tom Cruise item was going to show him in a leather bondage harness?
She sounds like a special cheeto (my version of their “special snowflake” name they have for Libs) with these comments, she’s so fucking tone deaf, she’s lucky she even gets a platform to spew her hatred. Her pro choice comments are not welcome to a majority of people on the right and her hate speech isn’t welcome to…
My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.
She’s getting paid, but isn’t allowed to perform the functions of her job. Sounds perfect to me!
I was going to say. Maybe Salma’s attitude toward Jessica Willams helped her with her “method” acting for this film. After that whole incident, I have a very skewed view of Ms. Hayek. It’s not a very pleasant one. Also why Hayek? I mean I understand, but I would have preferred it being an unknown.
My friend and I had to run from men in a car after she yelled back at them in frustration during our semester in Italy. She’d reached her breaking point at the street harassment, it must have been shortly after she got her pussy grabbed on the way home from the Internet cafe, and the men considered having their…
the world has changed very much since the bull was originally placed. To me it no longer symbolizes “the resilience of the American market”, but rather, the greed and selfishness of Wall St. and their complete disregard for the middle class, trampling over them to get more money in their pockets.