
I’m of two minds here. As a viewer, I do NOT want a second season. I loved every second of the show and thought it ended perfectly. But, as a person who makes a living as a writer, you do get attached to characters. I work mostly in TV, which is different, but I’m always thrilled when I can revisit characters. They

“And the hospital has no system to cover for an absent doctor?”

Everyone has a story on why they have to be where they need to be.

I have an algorithm. It’s called “raise the cap on compensatory credit beyond $800”. Hope Deep Blue can handle that one.

That would have been worse. If I had been selected after, I would have been outraged, “Who says the life I need to get back to is less important than his?! Just because he’s a doctor and has more money/prestige? Bullshit” Things happen, things get rescheduled, even for doctors.

That’s way harsh, Tai. There are a lot of great commenters on those sites, and besides, we have our fair share of racists and misogynists over here, too.

The thing is, people who get paid by patient or hourly or by project are not going to leap up at the thought of $400 and delaying one or more days to get back to their lives. $400 will barely replace a lost days wages in a lot of cases. And then you have lots of other factors that you have to reschedule if you are a

I actually agree with most of the outrage at this story. However, the doctor/more important obligations is where I jump off the bandwagon. Most people have important obligations. Should an EMT have been exempted too? I know it’s not you. Everyone has been saying “He’s a DOCTOR, with patients!” I just don’t see

I love Chris Evans.

Exactly. Hating Chris Evans for Tom Brady is like hating Jon Cryer for Charlie Sheen. It’s not Jon’s fault Charlie was such a dipshit, and its not Chris Evan’s fault that his entire state wants to have Tom Brady’s kids.

For real!! Leave my soft bro husband alone!!

Absolutely! He’d gain nothing from a public “feud” with Tom Brady.

Yeah, if we we’re supposed to hate actors/sports ball people because of some inconsistent world view than we would like exactly zero of them. Evans is just expressing what millions of non-Trump supporting New Engladers think.

Chris Evans wouldn’t be allowed to return to Massachusetts if he spoke out against Brady. His uncle would probably be voted out of office if Chris went on the record against Tom Brady.

Is Evans supposed to hate everyone who voted for Trump? Am I? Ehhhh. Too much effort.

I cannot wait to see this. As an Asian person, I am incredibly happy to see an all-Asian cast.

Omarosa’s dress is pretty.

I think he might have confused Chuck Schumer with Mitch McConnell.
