
Hopefully she’s a good enough kisser for him. He’s been practicing.

Real men are intimidated by a rainbow flag.

That honestly sounds kind of dorky and fun.

HOW ARE YOU ALL OKAY WITH THIS?? JLO DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS. Also thanks male for keeping up with the gossip of the day.

And Bobby, John, Brendan, Drew, Giri, Rich, Samer, Tom, Brian, Andy and everyone who participated, today. You did good. 🏆

I will take unapologetically whimsical Emma Watson over unapologetically self-absorbed Lena Dunham any day.

Yes, when it ended I just stared at the blank screen for at least a full minute, like ‘WHAT THE FUUUUCK!’ She strikes a perfect balance between realism, humour, and shock value. I’m so excited for the next season. Insecure had better start winning some major awards!

But if Beyoncé Tweeted those same words...

MRAs have been using this woman’s face for a good 6-7 years. I have no idea who she is from the video this is from but I hope she’s doing fucking fantastic. I’m sure it’s better than Deplorable Asshole #69.

There are many strong, intelligent, inspiring women that I’m thinking of today. But if we’re putting the names of pop culture influencers out there, it’s Issa Rae aaaaaaall day! This woman killed it with her creativity and brilliance and talent the past year.

I actually just love her all the time. I don’t think she has to be a ‘perfect’ feminist to earn love or admiration for the work she has done in the name of women’s equality.

I know she went around hiding books in the subway. I don’t see the problem with the tweet? I don’t get why people are so hard on Emma Watson.

So were back to hating Emma Watson again? It’s hard to keep up.

I thought this was a post for women? We dudes already know all about this.

I’m a proud resident of one of those shit-ass states, but, yeah, fuck us.

“Congrats Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. You played yourself.”

Speaking of coasts and budget cuts, the Trump administration (ugh) is proposing cutting funding to the Great Lakes from $300 million to $10 million. When people saw the number they thought it was a joke, because no one could be that fucking petty. But, no, it’s a real proposal. Like, it’d almost be palatable if they

We love each other more than Gwen and Blake love each other

Unlikely that “cool down music” would be so loud that a screaming woman could not be heard for several minutes. If it was; everyone in that room would be deaf by the time they emerged from it.

There is so much wtf-ery in this story. Who the fuck lets a woman who just had her leg impaled catch a fucking Uber to the hospital?